by Eve Dy - 38 tracks
Nobody's botherin u
Quit callin
Ur names on my caller ID
Why u keep callin me
Sound like u've been drinkin
Another Marlboro
Banana boat
Big house
Do you know me
Eat me
Enjoy pressing charges
F k u cunt
Frank Garrett
Get u to jail
Give ur name
Go to bed
Going to jail
Got some bitch
I've been sittin on my computer
Lose my number
Mommas dead
Nobody called ur house
Nothin to live for
Phone number
Phone records
Piece of garbage
Police trace
Put that whore
Say somethin
Speak out
Trouble with police
U got my number
Want to talk to the officers
What do u want
What now

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Boards form Eve Dy
Rick is sick of the calls he gets everyday and he confronts the Hairdresser called Frank. Loaded with tons of quotes including many about the police and going to jail too. Adult Language.
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