
Category: My Music   Tracks: 55   Views: 670  

by Tanner McKie - 55 tracks
Righteous dude
Life moves pretty fast
A day like this
Batta suuuwing batta
Cameron goes bezerk
Oh Yeah (music track)
Danke Shein
Feeling ill
Don't like my policies
Don't think twice
Ferris Bueller
He'll keep callin' me
I got a computer
Pardon my French
You lose a testicle
ooooh !
All the shrimp you can eat
Life is a box of chocolates
Are you stupid or something
Dr. Peppers
Gifted Private Gump
Have you found Jesus
I gotta pee
My magic shoes
Not enough rocks
Run Forrest run
Stupid is as Stupid does
That bullet bit me
We've been through
You twins
You're in the Army now
Forrest Gump
Mike Tyson singing
Stu sings a song
Not you fat Jesus
Don't text me, it's gay
Except herpes
Face down in a ditch
Get a map
He was a re-tard
Holocaust ring
I checked all the rooms
I drive great when I'm drunk
I shouldn' be here
It is gross
It was Roffies!
It's funny because he's fat
Lucky Charm
Masturbating on an airplane
Paging Dr Faggot