
Category: My Music   Tracks: 150   Views: 884  

by Kristine Senko - 150 tracks
Daffy English Kniggets
Hello who is it?
Hes already got one you see
I blow my nose at you
I dont want to talk to you
I Fart in your general direction
I'm French
Mind your own business
No - Now go away.
English bedwetting types
Of course not you are English
Oh yes its very nice
Outwit us French?
Sons of a windows dresser
This is the castle of my master
You have the brain of a duck
You silly king
You wiper of other peoples bottoms
Your mother was a hamster
Ready the livestock projectiles
Ready the livestock projectiles 2
Livestock Projectile Attack
Be Quiet
Be Quiet - Angry
Bloody Peasant
I am Arthur
I am your king
I Am...
I have no qaurrel with you
I must speak with your master
I order you to be quiet!
I seek the finest Knights to join me
I'm not interested
It is I
It is king Arthur
Now this is your last chance
Shut UP!
So be it
The lady of the lake
The Swallow
Victory is mine!
We have riddin...
We will take your castle by force
Well it doesnt matter
What do you mean?
Will you ask your master?
Yes (fed up)
Yes I see
You have proved yourself worthy
You make me sad
Your a looney
You Silly Sod!
Bring out your dead
Camelot Song
Castle Camelot
Flesh Wound - Invincible Knight
None shall pass - Invincible Knight
Knights Riding Music
Old woman
She turned me into a newt
Taunting French Guard scene
The Knights of the round table
The Serfs talk politics
Grail- Tim the Enchanter
Death awaits you all - Tim
Holy Grail - Tim
Quite - Tim
That's no ordinary rabbit - Tim
Some call me - Tim
Consult the book
Runaway !
The holy hand grenade throw
The holy hand grenade
What an ecentric preformance
A Shrubbery
Another Shrubbery
Castle arrrrrgh
Give us all a good spanking
I bet your gay
I feel happy
I'm not dead
intermission music
Lets not bicker about who killed who
Name your favorite color
Ni !
Roger the shrubber
Tea and biscuits
The Knights who say Ni
We found a Witch
What a strange person
What is the air speed velocity
Your a looney.
Brave Sir Robin (Song)
Sir Robin Ran Away (Song)
Climbing the walls
Killing machine
There is a God
Come on
Deal of patience
Elegant atmosphere
Good girl
I don't sleep
Injustice of the world
Let's roll
Make a living
On second thought
Whatever that means
Exacerbate mean
Fried gold
That Word
True Love
Who Are You
Buttercup is marrying Humperdink
Bye-Bye Boys
Classic Blunders
Decent Fellow
Gate Key
Inigo Montoya
Nice MLT
Indignant Shriek
Anger Management
Good Deeds
Living In The Moment
Love Bug
Sardonic Cackle
Curse of the Dummy
Not so good
That's French!
This is destiny...
Data's life forms song
Program complete
Red Alert
Romulan labor camp
I would disembowel
Ignite a petroleum