by Kenon Hampton - 127 tracks
riley - hello
riley - wuddup
riley - my name is riley...
riley - yea my name is riley son....
riley - im young reazy
riley - eww, nigga u gay
riley - nigga u gay
riley - nigga u gay2
riley - yall niggas r gay
riley - shut up, gay ass nigga
riley - u gay, i'm not gay...
riley - he's gay, isn't he?
riley - of course u ain't gay
riley - man jus tell tha truth, u gay?
riley - you also the gayest
riley - but i saw u kiss a man
riley - man stop
riley - nigga is you crazy
riley - my bad, i was trippin'
riley - uh ok
riley - ok ok ok
riley - cool
riley - ight
riley - uh...yea
riley - yea nigga yea
riley - yea
riley - yea2
riley - yea3
riley - yea4
riley - yea4
riley - oh hell yeah
riley - boo
riley - oh hell naw
riley - oh no
riley - no
riley - nope
riley - no really
riley - no man, damn stop sweatin me
riley - thats some ol b.s., damn
riley - but i'm not
riley - i dont think so
riley - um i dont feel like it
riley - thats disrespectful
riley - yo momma shoulda raised u bedda
riley - wha...whats wrong?
riley - why niggas gots do me....
riley - whateva nigga
riley - whatever nigga2
riley - homey
riley - how u gon tell me
riley - yall hoes r trouble
riley - i cant believe it
riley - dat bitch lyin'
riley - u still a bitch
riley - homies ova hoes
riley - if u gon take me 2 jail....
riley - it wasnt me
riley - whats funny
riley - what
riley - ay
riley - go ahead
riley - oh
riley - excuse me...
riley - im serious
riley - oh i get it....
riley - thats right people...
riley - aww come on
riley - did u wash yo hands
riley - everybody kno new orleans niggas r grimy
riley - give it a rest
riley - got yo ass kicked
riley - hold up hold up
riley - i will
riley - ill piss on yo cat
riley - im 8
riley - its like goin 2 heaven...
riley - lets whoop dis niggas ass....
riley - ok i'm ready
riley - she made u look like a bitch
riley - that is not gangsta....
riley - what u gon do beat me
riley - wheres the love
riley - amen
riley - laughing
riley - crying
riley - excuse me
riley - for real
riley - game recognize game...
riley - i don't think so
riley - i shot a nigga
riley - oh well
riley - shh come here
riley - shut up, punk
riley - u wanna play ruff, ok
riley - uh
riley - what2
riley - i say toss her groupie ass...
riley - lose ur bitch to t.i.
riley - u betta check dat hoe
riley - fake ass mariah carey
riley - u do realize that light skinned hoe was a hoe
riley - yall niggas shoulda been in the special olympics
riley - yo momma does cocaine
riley - yo parents r gettin a divorce
riley - its looks like ur thing could fly out...
riley - bitch this all u got
riley - u aint the boss of me nigga
riley - whats he doin here
riley - i go where i wanna go
riley - ay man lemme outta here
riley - clean it up bitch
riley - come on nigga, lets go, i been waitin
riley - cuz u's a bitch
riley - did u do it big
riley - nigga, u want sum...
riley - this nigga musta lost it...
riley - u a gay ass hater
riley - u aint the boss of me nigga
riley - u have supreme authority ova des nuts nigga
riley - whats he doin here
riley - what did u do
riley - whut
riley - whut2
riley - whut3
riley - whut4
riley - whut5
riley - whut6

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Boards form Kenon Hampton
Riley Freeman from The Boondocks
Alexa on a bad day
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