
Category: My Music   Tracks: 41   Views: 663  

by Sam Bufe - 41 tracks
Shut your big Yapper!- Farley
La Di Fricken Da- Farley
Okaladokaly- Simpsons
Diddily do you for? -- Simpsons
Doh - Simpsons
Help me Oprah Winfrey
Clone Brett Favre - Caliendo on Letterman.
I Love Brett Favre - Caliendo
My magic shoes- Forrest Gump
Dr. Peppers-- Forest Gump
Miracle - Brooks
failure to communicate
Night in the Box
Fra-gi-le, Christmas Story
I'd say I won, Colbert
I checked this was America, Colbert
Truth!-- Jack Nicholson
Back me up- Butch Cassidy/ Sundance Kid
Boom Roasted; Offices
clearance Clarence-- Airplane
Nervous-- Airplane
Whatchoo talkin' about Willis
Every man dies
Dream hamburger
Jerry & Newman Goodnight
Seinfeld Show - Funky Tune
Back in business
A Festivus
Serenity Now
Festivus miracle
good grief 1
All stupid up in here
Flavor coffee updog
Where are the turtles
Always wash your hands
Calculator In Jello
The Classic Wilhelm Scream 1
Chewbacca Sound 6