by jeffcoaster - 44 tracks
A Piss Break
Are you gonna tell?
But I don't know about that...
Cannot Be Trusted!
Can't NOBODY trust that b*tch!
Cuz I'm so damn greedy!
For real?
Forgive & Forget
Go wash your...
Gonna burn his hat!
Got my own stash!
Hate 'em all!
He don't know what it's like...
He's a stupid ass!
He's so stupid...
How would I know?
I can get LOUD too!
I can't believe it.
I want it.
I would hate to...
I'm against you
Liar, Liar
Nothin' to do with me
One more minute...
Rice without Beans
Russell Don't Know
Sandra's been naughty.
Sandra's got game!
Screw Jon
Sexual Innuendo
Should I let you finish?
So Be It!
Sweet Revenge
The Missing Machete
The Water Jug
Two Natural Births
Where is Jon?
With me...
With the Heroes
Work My Magic
You don't know...
You go, girl...

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