Scarface - The World is Yours

Contains quotes from the PS2 game Scarface: The World is Yours. This is not actually Al Pacino's voice, he's Andre Sogliuzzo, who did a great job in the game. Adult Language.

Category: Games   Tracks: 53   Views: 20263  

by Eve Dy - 53 tracks    Full Board $4.99
New phone
Need an army
Get some ice cream
Name is Tony Montana
High or what
Guys don't quit
Won't be able to walk
Like a tiger
Going rate
Already know you
Calm down
Come and get me
Come see me
F_ _ken c_ _ks_ _ker
F_ _ken f_ _k
For f_ _k's sake
Free advice
Gonna do for me
Got an attitude
Got something to tell me
Have my car sent to me
Hello pussycat
Hey there
It's Tony
Like a word
Like women
Like your ass
Make this happen
Need my car
Not be communist
Piss in your face
R u there
Shit ass f_ _k
Somethin better
Spank you
Starting to piss
Tell you something
Think you can take me
This is Tony
Wanna talk to George
Watch yourself
Who r u
WTF you want
Women need
You're kiddin
Boards form Eve Dy
Eve Dy

Contains quotes from the PS2 game Scarface: The World is Yours. This is not actually Al Pacino's voice, he's Andre Sogliuzzo, who did a great job in the game. Adult Language.

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