Rex Hunt

The one and only Rex Hunt

Category: Sports   Tracks: 26   Views: 11018  

by simon k - 26 tracks
Good Afternoon and Welcome
Im Rex Hunt
Those are my thoughts
I Was Born and Spawned in Bay 13
Selling and eating dixie icecreams
Now i am Concerned
With a bunch of PUPPETS, yes you Ferret
My Mother Nitted me a pair of bed socks in 1958
Now i want to make 1 thing Clear
You need fresh ingredients to bake a cake
Cheap, Nasty and Downright Boring
That Wobertides anyone, who critcizes it
This is dizzy stuff folks
Standing up to the thugs in the Scallop industry
The Fat Kid From Mordielic High
I'd Rather go to Hell
Im Invinsible
Im Paying Money
The Girls Happy
Shes got no money
I got my Rocks Off
Oh How good is this
Get Sam Newman on the line will ya
Im not paying taxes to keep turds of the street
Thank you for your Call
Thank you for your Patience