by Jordan Crosby - 45 tracks
I didn't do it
I do not speak English
Theres Bad
I'm ready
Pot Heads...
Whines Like A Baby
Beeping and clicking
Hey kids !
Krusty Tiajuana
Let's not go nuts
ask Dr. Stupid
all systems go
thank you Dr. Stupid
Canned laughs
Elmer Fudd
Pac man dies
More cowbell!!!
Stiffly Stifferson
Walken reads 'Goodnight Moon' (Simpsons)
What is the hold up
Brothers Gotta Hug
Watching Spankertervision?
My Mistake
Crazy Guy
Dont have the power
Ding, ding
Guy with rubber glove
Kick my own ass
Most annoying sound in the world
So lame
Peter's First Fart
Good guys
Good evening
Noise hole
I'm tired
Conan gonna go to hell
What the Hell was that !?
General Larry Platt - Pants On The Ground
Gonna buy some belts - Randy

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