Roy Bunales - Voice Talent
The voice of Roy is for Hire! North American English; A clear, full, deep, melodious, well-projected male bass baritone voice. Interpretation is conversational, one-on-one, involved, sincere, warm, friendly, and enthusiastic. Pronunciation is crisp, clear, and accurate. Reading is smooth, accurate, and confident, with a conversational flow.
by Roy S. Bunales - 4 tracks
Roy Bunales - Voice Over Talent Intro
DJ Drops TV/Radio Imaging And Station IDs
Character & Cartoon Voices
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Boards form Roy S. Bunales
The voice of Roy is for Hire! North American English; A clear, full, deep, melodious, well-projected male bass baritone voice. Interpretation is conversational, one-on-one, involved, sincere, warm, friendly, and enthusiastic. Pronunciation is crisp, clear, and accurate. Reading is smooth, accurate, and confident, with a conversational flow.
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