by Josh Bywater - 27 tracks
Oh Hello!This is Microsoft Sam at your service
How can I help you?
Friggin' Superheroes
God told me to do it
Speech Articulation Module is my name
My Generation
This one looks like a pro
No one can stop me
Yo my homies
I'm available 24/7
Nobody's Perfect
Get On With It Already!
Text to speech rules!
Neil Neil Wagon Wheel (Slow)
Neil Neil Wagon Wheel (Normal)
Yo mama so fat, the whales sing
Knock Knock Joke 1
Knock Knock Joke 2
You have selected Microsoft Sam as the computer's default voice
What's up Mukka?
The sky is blue and Ash smells like poo
Pleased to make your acquaintance sir!
Nice try
I'm Feeling Fine
I am Microsoft Sam
How do you do?
The text file has been successfully converted!

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Boards form Josh Bywater
Microsoft Sam Soundboard. Microsoft Sam is the default text-to-speech voice used in Microsoft Windows 2000 and Microsoft Windows XP
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