Ms. Swan Mad TV Soundboard
Miss Bunny Swan is a character played by Alex Borstein on the earlyer seasons of MadTV. In the sketches, people usually ask her questions but she never gives a straight answer, driving them insane. She is very good at being annoying!
by Eve Dy - 27 tracks
Tell you everything
Ms Swan
Say what you mean
Believe what you see
Burger and nuggets
Can't understand you
Chill pill
Don't need to yell at me
Hello 1
Hello 2
How r u
Kiss your mother
Look like a man
Need to know menu
Nice lady
No no
No yeah ok
Talk to the manager
Thanks to you
Who the hell are you
Yeah ok
Yo mama
Yeah yeah ok

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Boards form Eve Dy
Miss Bunny Swan is a character played by Alex Borstein on the earlyer seasons of MadTV. In the sketches, people usually ask her questions but she never gives a straight answer, driving them insane. She is very good at being annoying!
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