
Category: My Music   Tracks: 23   Views: 1919  

by gogglebum - 23 tracks
Scott -that's not going to happen
Scott - chess with guns
Scott - dont tell me you're trying to make friends with my mother
Scott - For gods sake what
Scott - for the benefit of the police listening in the background
Scott - hahaha
Scott - i put it down to the vast amount of feminising hormones in food
Scott - i'll get back to you
Scott - it's just fucking stunning
Scott - Listen Fuckwit
Scott - welcome to scotland1
Scott - listen i need to make a few calls
Scott - oh dear god theres a vision
Scott - Oh right
Scott - oh rly
Scott - pop pop pop
Scott - quite fucking awesome
Scott - so which gay chatline will i become a member of
Scott - well... hmm
Scott - Yeah i know
Scott - you missed
Scott - you've been great company i will talk to you all later
Scott -that's not going to happen