by insomnotek - 97 tracks
this is a dmg nerf
u clone
well look
still alive
predator mask
easiest thing in my f life
u gotta be kidding me
and btw
can u imagine that
can you imagine
dats minus 1 not disadvantage
hey friend
hey take this damage here
just take damage dawg
mk sigh
no prob friend
triple look
cylinder clearly too small
diablo calls me
ice clone got so many,,,issues
look at this
playing so much diablo
plenty of soundboard
who is the master
aint going nowhere
of course not quitting games
of course not done
still alive ahhhhh
wtf is this
not just 5050
but its more than 5050
more than 5050
MORE than a 5050
not understand 5050
tone it down
didnt take time to look
you were all wrong
you were wrong
look at all that ice he has to go through
who stops carnage
i have got DEMANDS
ive got demands
sz mask
drop sz
step 1
ex clone cant be used properly
ice clone should not go away on block
you guys hate the ice clone
i mean look..
break the damn ice clone
projectile imuone
cant clone, clone cooldown
clone goes away on BLOACK
dere is no new tech
the move doesnt work
ex clone just doesnt work right
man just cmon man
look man
look at look at this
big issue
clearly a bug
can we just fix
clearly bugged
in the lab here
you know im in the lab
people hate ice clone
ice clone functions properly
god given right
cmon man x2
the bottom line is this
his belief or so he believes he has proved
look at that knee
welcome to part 2
the clone is not functioning
aris okizoomi
okizoomi okizami whatever
see you next tourney
,,,and im coming
and im coming
kharacter is garbage
blown up
no respect
its frustrating playing sz
its frustrating
cmon man
input bug

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