by Pas K - 222 tracks
50 damage (ivan)
Acoustic (lumi)
Anally destroyed (dewwy)
Armor bork (jugi)
Armor knight knight (lumi)
Back with another clown fiesta (tts)
Because cancer (dewwy)
Die (dewwy)
Do I call you achi or poshun (lumi)
Goddamnit (dewwy)
Hehehe (lumi)
Hello hehe (dewwy)
Hermit and bees in (dewwy)
He's gonna die I need to save him (dewwy)
How to meme on reddit (lumi)
I can tank them (ivan)
I deserve that shit (dewwy)
I got stressed out (jugi)
I swear to god lumi I will kill you (dewwy)
I teleport to him and I started blinking (jugi)
I use spectral on rogue archer (dewwy)
I'm coming (jugi)
I'm npe (dewwy)
Is my mic a robot (lumi)
Its ya boy pillar (jugi)
Just made a 100 dollars how much did you succ (dewwy)
Karma bit me in the ass (dewwy)
Logic bitch (dewwy)
MMMM (jugi)
Need the spooky boi pet (jugi)
Nice (dewwy)
No screw you (dewwy)
Now we all get white bags (dewwy)
Okay bye dewwy (lumi)
Only prot with armor broken (jugi)
Paladin (ivan)
Pillar lava immune when (jugi)
prepare your omegawoah (tts)
Silex is an avatar sitter (jugi)
So yeah (dewwy)
Someone got destroyed (dewwy)
Sorry I stepped on that lord (lumi)
Tato boy get the fuck back (dewwy)
The dankest song came on (dewwy)
Ultimate gachigasm (eloise)
Use a puri like me (jugi)
Uuum (dewwy)
Very balanced item (dewwy)
Wait what (jugi)
What the fuck (lumi)
What was kabam smoking when they made tablet (jugi)
Who wants to join me sitting on these things (dewwy)
Whoops (lumi)
Who's reeing in the background
Wow you guys (dewwy)
Wtf is this mix (dewwy)
Yeah I saw that (dewwy)
Zero (dewwy)
Laugh (flan)
Stop recording everything (dev)
Totally would if I could (dev)
60 hp (dev)
Are you sure its the bottom (dev)
Ubdef goes on tank archer (dev)
What did you just say you piece of shit (cheekov)
No (cheekov)
Nananah (cheekov)
No archer is better than huntress (cheekov)
Huntress and archer is the same (adhd)
I woulda survived if I nexused (cheekov)
ERGH (cheekov)
Smoothos you crazy old man (cheekov)
That was a lot of bs (cheekov)
Uh Poshun Poshun (cheekov)
Youre a young vulnerable boy (skrakk)
Smoothos is a fucking old man (skrakk)
Btw achi is gonna record you (skrakk)
I hear a bed squeaking (dewwy)
I love being a dick (dewwy)
Rinse and repeat (dewwy skrakk)
FFFFuck (skrakk)
Savage god (dewwy)
Laugh (skrakk dewwy kieran)
Clit isnt offensive (dewwy)
Wow autofire (skrakk dewwy)
Wow EP noob (skrakk)
Hydra and foul (remzifyy)
Thats a little bit offensive (ivan)
And then like just (ivan)
Every holiday I get to a point (ivan)
Everything gets boring (ivan)
Radio LN (ivan)
Thanks achi great advice (ivan)
Thats a little bit offensive (ivan)
Hydra and foul (remzifyy)
Fuck off wiggle waggle
not as degenerate as LN
How are moths scary
New friend
Demon in that box
Middle finger up ya bum
Radio Clit (skrakk)
achi fuckoff (skrakk)
Grill reveal (vixie)
Who's achi (vixie)
How could you mute me (vixie)
Dewwy you would swap nudes with a mouse (skrakk)
I've already seen you in the bath (skrakk)
I dont want your nudes dewwy (skrakk)
Vixie why you in wankbank (skrakk)
ooooOOOOOOOH (skrakk)
Merry x-mas (vixie)
Flap your ears for me
Finally jesus
Hyah (dewwy)
HYAH (skrakk)
I'm an apache
Kieron Laugh
Mickey 1
Holy shit I got a white bag
OMG (dewwy)
There's no vibration
Ya noob
Kick off internet
I'm blue
I should just nexus
I appreciate that
I dont give a flying penis
I'm gonna kill ya
Waaait (skrakk)
I dont need your freebies (cheekov)
Ohhh (haru)
Get on your hands and knees (skrakk)
Are you soloing (skrakk)
REKT (devilnev)
Do you have that recorded (cheekov)
Ohhh (haru)
Oh I got a white bag, fucking PROT (haru)
Is that going on the soundboard
Do you want to cum together
Did you assume my gender
Performance artist
I'm fighting a gigacorn
Sphinx in idk
Triggered 2
I'm candy coating your armor
This is our safe haven
Big man dingo
Do not record that
Pineapple pen
Where is the meemee
I'm cumming
Why are they so hard
1v1 minecraft
Crazy boi laf 2
OiOi 2
Epic sax acapella
I hope you die
Special services
Fuck off ryan
That's AAAAH pretty cool
Omg it nearly jumped on me
Please cum
Rip Krakouna (dev & kllr)
I got a spirit dagger (dev)
I got a spirit dagger (kllr)
INC get
That was cancer
I'm not your mother
Ye boi
You're not my son
FUCKING tomb commentary
Dev GASM 2
Weeaboo scum
How is that horrible
AK-Fourty Cheekov
Shut up
Dev ahh ahh
Shank ur nan
Dev Sings 1
Suck his cum
Spread the clit
Crazy boi laf
Why would obama
Fuck me
SkrakkGASM 2
Rip KraKKona
Please no memes
Its the classic meme
Typical Cheekov shatters
Not again
Oh my god
Rip Krakouna
Fuck your asshole
What could go wrong
I take it its a shatters
Godwolf pro
Removing headphones
Mistake burn
Best mystic
Dangerous chest
Savage trap

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A soundboard made using voice clips from the lads (and Devilnev!)
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