by Mike Carreiro - 68 tracks
that just wont happen
no, thats not what im here to do
lemme make that simple for ya
i aint changin for nobody
do you understand me
you dumb son of a bitch
thank you very much
i never said it
brett hart
ken shamrock
stone cold steve austin
stone cold stone cold stone cold
i am the 1996 king of the ring
how ya doin
are you havin a good day
i got 3 things i wanna talk about
you understand 3
what 2
speak up
uh uh
na, go ahead
were you gonna ask me a bunch of questions, is that what you were gonna do
is that what youre asking me
you got time for me to tell you a story
im gonna tell you a story right now
a story about a man named stone cold steve austin
i was real thirsty
so i went to a bar
then i got on one of those mechanical bulls
and i started a fight
and the whole bar started fighting
i whipped everybodys ass
i threw em all out the door
every single one of em, right out the door
by lowering my center of gravity, it makes it hard for a man to throw me ov
you know. that match where you throw a sumbitch over the top rope
im gonna throw a man over the top rope
thats what stone colds gonna do
as a matter of fact, im working on my strategy right now
i said im working on my strategy right now
you want my comments
you want my comments about what triple h said
me and triple h have differing opinions
i dont agree with triple h
i said we dont agree
the other thing i wanted to talk about was msg
im going down to what what what what a burger
and ima get a burger with, without and with double cheese
i said thats a beer belly
a beer belly
a beer belly 2
lets talk about memorial day
explanation of memorial day
my viewpoint on wrestlemania is just this
the only reason stone cold went out was because..
you can think whatever you want
you can think im a class actor you can think im a jack ass
and thats all i got to say about that
theres something goin on here that im not understanding
you dont scare me
are you supposed to intimidate me
well now first of all you mealy mouthed bastard
it doesnt make a damn
thats the biggest bunch of sd i ever heard
thats the biggest bunch of bs i ever heard again
youre the biggest piece of trash ive ever met
hey, before you leave, hey

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Boards form Mike Carreiro
Hopefully this sound board is to your liking. I added a few extras aside from the obvious. I emplore you to make prank calls with this soundboard.
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