by wayne faber - 112 tracks
Big gun
A bigger boat
I can't pull over
Too Damn Good
Adjudant's Call and Washington Post
America Why I Love Her
Ballad of the Green Berets - Sadler
Theme Song
Frogger Intro
Being destroyed
Morpheus Demo 2
Meth Spelling
COPS- Bad Boys
Car 54
I Don't Remember Asking You
Say what again
Pesci Love - Shove
What is your major malfunction?
Who the hell are you?
cowboy - full metal jacket
Full Metal Jacket - Sgt. Hartman
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
Diddily do you for?
National Anthem
Semper Fidelis
America the Beautiful - Ray Charles
The Armed Services Medley
Hail To the Chief
Gunnery Sergeant Highway
Godzilla Jumping for Joy
Classic 1954 Godzilla Theme
Godzilla Roar - 1980s
Bitch better have my money
failure to communicate
Maliciously destroying
Gettysburg - Col. Lawrence
Bob Saget
Jolly pirate Donuts
I said bacon and eggs
Can of Whoop Ass
One shithead at a time
Up Shitcreek
Swamp Gas my ass
Im the law
Bad looking hat
Insanely idiotic statement
Dork alert
What the hell was that S*$T
Singing, I hear the phone
Thank You For Calling 911
Singing, we're sorry we're not home
Well Well, Hi Bitch
The Beer Song
Isn't that Special
Sudden Impact (1983) - Make my day
You Shut Up!
Hello, Hello, Hello
Chopsy Guitar
keep a big mouth shut
say your prayer
Badges 2
Hawaii 5-0
Your Prayers
Do You Feel Lucky Punk
Independence Day - The President
Dirty Sleigh Ride
I love the smell of Napalm
Whistle Song from Andy Griffith Show
Down to the River to Pray
elmo shut up
Ebay Song
The FCC Song
Don't Say It Cartman!!
I'm going home
Respect my authority
Birthday song
Run its Godzilla!
Risking our lives
When you have to shoot
Christmas Fart Song
Who gives a shit about Bigfoot?
Hard target search - The Fugitive
9mm - No Country For Old Men
You know how fast you're
Liter of cola
I cant rembember this shit
Oh no its the cops
Southern Law Enforcement
Lap around the block
There's no way
Wipe that smile
La Di Fricken Da
What is the hold up
Shut your big Yapper!
Freedom isn't Free - song
Mission Impossible
drug school?
Shut up fool
Ill Smack you in the mouth
Deal with it
I'm not fat
Dont jerk me around
Don't waste my time

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