by Tom Lacko - 17 tracks
Happy Thanksgiving from WKRP and me
KALE Chris Michaels 1981
KALE Richland, WA 1975
KALE Richland, WA 1976
KDKA Pittsburgh, PA 1976
KING Seattle, WA 1975
KJR Seattle, WA 1980
KJRB Spokane, WA 1975
KQV Pittsburgh, PA 1974
KYCW Seattle, WA 1985
WESA Charleroi, PA 1983
WFFM Pittsburgh, PA 1980
WIXZ McKeesport, PA 1973
WKTQ 13Q Pittsburgh, PA 1975
WPEZ Pittsburgh, PA 1976
WTOP Washington, DC 1985
KALE Richland, WA 1976 Chuck Bryson (short aircheck)

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Boards form Tom Lacko
Old airchecks of radio stations I like.
Drop Ins for Bob Miller, WFMD
The great WKRP Turkey Drop. Happy Thanksgiving from WKRP and me - listen 'til the end!
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