by Eve Dy - 40 tracks
Revenge will be ours
The Fallen shall rise again
This planet will be dark forever
I failed you
Alien specimen
Amateur hour blog operation
It's not over
Birthplace of the human race
Brought the pain
Clear a path
Come here boy
Discovered an alien race
Get ready for an ass whoopin
He's playing it up
I can't even rely on you
I have dreamed of my return
I smell him
I'm going to kill you
I'm here for your help Sam
I'm home
I'm not taking you with me
It can only transform
It is so disappointing
It's not a rap video
It's not over
It's supposed to hurt
Long distance relationship kit
Megatron wants what's in my mind
My matrix
No more disguises!
Sam yells at Optimus
This fool is terribly misinformed
This guy is a legend
Transformer Bot
Waste of metal!
We got a whole lotta fight
You left me to die
You're an Autobot
Revenge is mine

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Boards form Eve Dy
Strategy was simply to duplicate the first movie but with even bigger robots and higher decibel levels. Check out for more Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen clips!
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