More Dolphin and Whale Sounds
Sound is very important to whales and dolphins for hunting, navigating and communicating. They have voices, but it's a lot different from most other mammals. The limited visibility under water made sounds and hearing very important for them. The sounds of the whales are not produced with their mouth/beak but only inside their blow-hole.
by Eve Dy - 20 tracks Full Board $4.99
Amazon River Dolphin
Spinner Dolphin
White-sided Dolphin
Risso's Dolphin
Common Dolphin
Bottlenose Dolphin
Spottet Dolphins
Beluga Whale
Blue Whale
Bowhead Whale
False Killer Whale
Finback Whale
Gray Whale
Humpback Whale
Minke Whales
Orca Killer Whale
Pilot Whale
Right Whale
Sperm Whale
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Boards form Eve Dy
Sound is very important to whales and dolphins for hunting, navigating and communicating. They have voices, but it's a lot different from most other mammals. The limited visibility under water made sounds and hearing very important for them. The sounds of the whales are not produced with their mouth/beak but only inside their blow-hole.
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