
Category: My Music   Tracks: 49   Views: 905  

by leeeeee - 49 tracks
airstrike standing by 2
airstrike standing by
bomb defused
bombs away bombs away
capture the objective
challenge complete
cover me I'm reloading
defend the objective
enemy heli inbound
enemy UAV is airborne
fire in the hole
frag out
friendly airstrike on the way
friendly helicopter on the way
get down
good job team
helicopter supports standing by
helicopter supports standing by
in cooomming
it's a draw stand down
let's do this marines
let's do this
man down
marines get ready to move out
ohm ohmblolo
our UAV is online
friendly airstrike on the way
search and destroy
take no prisoners come back
tango down
target destroyed
target down
target neutralized
unknown 2
unknown 3
unknown 4
unknown 5
unknown 6
unknown 7
unknown 8
victory music
we have been defeted comrades
we may have lost the battle but not the war
we've lost the lead
we've taken the lead