by chris santoro - 101 tracks
US National Anthem Performed by Billy Joel
Dolby THX
Let's Get Ready to Rumble
Jeopardy Board SMS
Pacman & Video Game Craze - 1980
Hello, Hello, Hello
Vincent's wickedly good laugh!
Daffy Duck evil laugh
Laughing Hyenas
Laugh - Tasmanian Devil
loopy laugh...
Beavis and Butt-Head laughs
Really funny
George McFly Laugh
Famous losing horns price is right
Wrong price buzz
wammy - press your luck
Wrong number during Pathfinder
Pac man dies
wawawawa - loser
Dang! - napolean dynamite
Baby cry 2
You suck - Iron Sheik
Access denied
Sumbitches couldn't close an umbrella- Smokey and The Bandit
No no no no - buzzard looney tunes
u dick - spicoli
Rim shot
Glass Crash
Bombs Away 8
Bombs Away 1
Submarine dive alarm
Cuckoo sound 2
Shower Scene - Psycho
Daily double
Sexytime - borat
Nice - borat
Wow wow wee waa! - borat
High Five! - borat
Sweet! - napolean dynamite
Yeah Baby ! - austin powers
Whooooo!!! - ric flair
Its in OMG
Crowd Cheer
Applause Sound 5
Applause Sound 8
sports crowd
Bowling Strike 3
The Price is Right
Clang Clang Whoop Whoop
Whistle from Price is Right train
Goooood for you
Yeehah Arriva - speedy gonzalez
That's All Folks
Your Prayers - yosemite sam
Insert coin
Farewell - jaws
Becuase I rule
In your face
What the f__ k are you doing
Shut up fool - mr. t
final jeopardy
Times up jeopardy
Crickets - Georgia, U.S.
Snore Sound 2
I'm trying to think - three stooges
Yodeler sings as he climbs up mountain Cliffhangers
alshorn - caddyshack
Giggidi Giggidi Giggidi - quagmeyer
Transforming sound
Woob-Woob-Woob - three stooges
Nyuk, Nyuk, Nyuk - three stooges
Passing car sounds it's horn
Ramming speed - animal house
Double Take
Out Here
Head shakes
I said quiet
greg piss pants superbad
Mission - blues brothers
Swimmin - jaws
found shit - spaceballs
White woman - blazing saddles
Whip out - blazing saddles
Hey you guys sloth goonies
I want mouth goonies
Theater chunk goonies
Blackman Handshake - dice
Finger in your ass - blue iris
Giggity Giggity Giggity
Nice throwing arm
Lil piggy son of a bitch

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Boards form chris santoro
this is for an easier, more efficient way to play sound effects at a yearly tournament where I will also be doing play-by-play. we've tried a few different methods which none were successful.
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