TacticalGamer BF2142 Fictional Taunts

A project by the Tactical Gamer community to predict taunts that would be used in the world of Battlefield 2142. Note to contributors: please do not use vulgar language or base ideas. This is a forum for taunts, aye, but let's keep it witty and h

Category: Games   Tracks: 5   Views: 11490  

by Zhohar Zoot - 5 tracks
Now'd Be A Good Time ...
You Don't Need Backup.
Set Down That Radio
Stop Hiding!
Faster Than Eroak
Boards form Zhohar Zoot
Zhohar Zoot

A project by the Tactical Gamer community to predict taunts that would be used in the world of Battlefield 2142. Note to contributors: please do not use vulgar language or base ideas. This is a forum for taunts, aye, but let's keep it witty and h

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