by Sammy Mathes - 26 tracks
Boards form Sammy Mathes
These are clips of audio from James Klein's phone call with a decoy. He's this child predator. But his call is funny 1) because there's a decoy woman atleast 2) because he gets caught. He's a total creep but he's talking to her like she's a construction buddy for the most part... like wtf? Lol. He loves Chinese food and HEY HOW YOU DOIN?!... Enjoy!
These are clips of audio from James Klein's phone call with a decoy. He's this child predator. But his call is funny 1) because there's a decoy woman atleast 2) because he gets caught. He's a total creep but he's talking to her like she's a construction buddy for the most part... like wtf? Lol. He loves Chinese food and HEY HOW YOU DOIN?!... Enjoy!
Michael's very short phone call with a decoy plus a couple other lines... ENJOY!
Horrible human being: James Wiles' phone call with a decoy he believed to be 13... But believe him, he's past that stage now... ENJOY!
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