TCAP Michael Seibert Soundboard

Michael's very short phone call with a decoy plus a couple other lines... ENJOY!

Category: Prank Calls   Tracks: 6   Views: 2330  

by Sammy Mathes - 6 tracks
Mike Seibert Can I have bathroom
Mike Seibert Oops
Rabbi David Kaye
Mike Seibert Can I call you right back
Mike Seibert Hello what are you doing
Mike Seibert Just sitting here being bored
Boards form Sammy Mathes
Sammy Mathes

These are clips of audio from James Klein's phone call with a decoy. He's this child predator. But his call is funny 1) because there's a decoy woman atleast 2) because he gets caught. He's a total creep but he's talking to her like she's a construction buddy for the most part... like wtf? Lol. He loves Chinese food and HEY HOW YOU DOIN?!... Enjoy!

Sammy Mathes

These are clips of audio from James Klein's phone call with a decoy. He's this child predator. But his call is funny 1) because there's a decoy woman atleast 2) because he gets caught. He's a total creep but he's talking to her like she's a construction buddy for the most part... like wtf? Lol. He loves Chinese food and HEY HOW YOU DOIN?!... Enjoy!

Sammy Mathes

Michael's very short phone call with a decoy plus a couple other lines... ENJOY!

Sammy Mathes

Horrible human being: James Wiles' phone call with a decoy he believed to be 13... But believe him, he's past that stage now... ENJOY!

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