by Geraint Lewis - 327 tracks
I think it needs a bit more work...
Splish Splash Splosh 22
The instructions say...
That means there won't be any room for the door
That's a day when you play sports with all your friends
Bathtime fun for everyone!
That's just what I was going to wish for!
I'm not in the desert anymore...
If only my other wishes had made everyone so happy...
I do wish you weren't stuck in that bottle...
I wish there were some sounds to dance to
What are you doing back in there?
Splish Splash Splosh 21
I want to make my first wish
Why am I in a desert?
If only my wishes did come true
I'd love it!
It didn't come true...
I wish that it was raining in here so I could splash around in the puddles
One star, two star...
Show us something really scary
That's not the noise that ghosts make
Tell us a ghost story like you promised
That was very nice of you
You didn't give her anything back
It's Finbar Day
We have to give you all our presents...
Here are your presents
You have to give presents as well as get them
I'm leaving 2
If you say so
That's impossible
We'll all help you
Oh no 6
I bet it's really fast
We'll never get there on time now...
You're never going to win squarebot of the year like that
You couldn't live in a world without any circles
That is silly
Draw the sun the way it really is
It's beautiful
You'll look really different in this hat
You're going to love this one
Shouldn't you be at school?
Bet you can do this
I love being star shaped
You don't even go to school
Splish Splash Splosh 20
Splish Splash Splosho!
If only you would all stop being silly and let me concentrate!
Haven't you ever seen a sponge concentrate? Now stop being silly and let me think!
Please don't bother me
Everything's going to be just fine
Laugh 2
You'll love it!
That was so funny!
Watch this
Straighten that squirting flower
Honk, honk, honk! 2
Why is he sad?
I'm the boss
Splish Splash Splosh 19
If only everyone would be clowns with me...
I want to be silly
That doesn't sound like much fun...
I'm only clowning around
Honk, honk, honk! 1
Let's play clowns instead, it's much more fun
Are you still building that tower?
Who wants to play clowns?
I have hair like a clown
Last one in the bath's a Big Bad Wolf!
You're a frog
Wasn't it clever?
You're being really greedy
Splish Splash Splosh 18
We're going to dress ourselves up
See you another day
There's more to being on a farm than driving a tractor, you know
If only I'd remembered to close the gate...
Oh no 5
What do pigs eat, anyway?
Driving a tractor is so much fun
Well done
Splish Splash Splosh 17
Silly sheep
That was silly
Why did you run away?
I didn't know I was supposed to close the gate...
I could ride around on a tractor all day long
If only I lived on a farm (short)
If only I lived on a farm
Anyone know what this is?
It's quite difficult
So, what are we going to play next?
Splish Sploshalula!
Do your tie move again
You're not copying me anymore
If only I could get to sleep!
Oh no 4
Maybe I can get to sleep now...
Yawn 2
I'll never get to sleep like this...
Stop copying me! 3
It's no fun anymore
Stop copying me! 2
Yawn 1
I'm tired now...
Stop copying me! 1
I mean it!
Alright...stop copying me now...
If only you would all copy me...
Copy me!
What was that?
I was doing the Splish Sploshalula dance
A singer in the band would sound great
Splish Splash Splosh 16
That's jazz!
I wish we had another bubble so we could keep playing
No more bubbles
I hope you've learned your lesson
…and I hope you've learned your lesson
That's what you've done!
If you want to play with the bubbles, you can
Oh, now you're just being silly
Yes you were
Haven't you got enough bubbles?
You can't wear a bubble crown
Where did all those bubbles come from?
Laugh 1
Splish Splash Splosh 15
I didn't see that rock
Sploshy to the rescue
You're a really good swimmer
Everyone wants you to eat their cakes
What's a tea party?
Wheeee! 2
I'm going to do this
You made a rule against it
I could
I could...but you made a rule against it
You're a spoilsport!
Sploshy One-Feather says you're a spoilsport!
I love playing wild west
This is the only one I want
Don't go
If only I hadn't collected so many stones
Oh no 3
The sack is too big
I can't get through
Could somebody help me up?
Now I have all the shiny stones in the world
Not yet
Wheeee! 1
Splish Splash Splosh 14
I want all the shiny stones in the world
I'm Sploshy the Stone Seeker
I'm inside the Earth
If only I could get all the shiny stones in the world
How will I ever get there?
They're for my collection
I need all the stones I can get
Look at these beautiful shiny stones
I could be a sidekick
At your service
You don't know something!?
Where can we go to find the seaside on the moon?
Oh no 2
I can't even see the television
Can you make us some more, please?
You know everything there is to know
What is the moon made of? 2
What is the moon made of? 1
On the moon, it would be
I think it would be more fun to float around
All you have to do is wipe the floor
Just a little more lipstick
Ready for the first scene
Don't you hate it when my team scores?
Game's over! (rage quit)
I'm leaving 1
I don't know about anybody else, but I'm leaving
Nothing gets past Goalkeeper Sploshy
We're only having fun
Splish Splash Splosh 13
You took the sponge
Now we can see who took your sponge
Are there any more bubbles to follow?
Splish Splash Splosh 12
Sploshy at your service
Detective Sploshy at your service
Wait a minute
I'll get you
Don't you want to be a prince, then?
What gets wetter the more it dries?
Who goes there!?
I am Sploshy of the Splish Splash Swamp
We're reading a fairy tale
It wouldn't be fair
This is fun
I'm Mrs. Sploshy
Oh, good
Splish Splash Splosh 11
You love flying
I'm falling!
I can't reach it...
You have to tell me what to do
Tell me what to do
Do you have to fly now?
All day long
Let's play babies all day long
Lying on these beds feels just like floating on clouds
They've gone to meet the babysitter
Splish Splash Splosh 10
What do you mean?
Splish Splash Splosh 9
You don't have a number
It's time to go to the oasis
Queen Sploshilla has decided that it's time to go to the oasis
Swish Swash Swosh!
Can you blow some bubbles for us, please?
Who wants to play my new game?
Let's play some more after bathtime
Be my guest
Listen to this
I know that not everyone likes my sounds...
I'm not a bird anymore...
Hey, I'm not a bird anymore!
If only they thought of doing that before
Don't be silly
They love my sounds
Of course
…and now for your listening pleasure...
It's very nice
What kind of sounds can you make?
I'm Sploshy the Bing-Bong-Clonk Bird
What a great noise!
If only everyone wanted me to make noise!
Hey! 2
Isn't this a great noise!?
Hello, everyone!
Here goes...
Splish Splash Splosh 8
Be like that!
Oh, alright!
You can rest anytime
Who wants to make some noise!?
It's too quiet around here...
Splish Splash Splosh 7
It's time to run the bath
Sounds like a plan to me
Do you think you could fan me next?
If only we didn't have to feed the polar bears
Go away!
I'm the first bath sponge
We'll soon see about that...
Could you show me the way?
Aren't there any other explorers you can eat?
Wait (x6)
I should've stayed inside his tent...
Tubb of the Arctic was right; I should've stayed inside his tent...
Polar bears
Splish Splash Splosh 6
See you later
I'll go by myself
I came here to get cold
I don't want to be warm and dry
I'm an explorer
Got it
Splish Splash Splosh 5
What is the North Pole?
What are you exploring?
I'll help you
If only I was somewhere really cold...
I don't want to be cool, I want to be freezing
I'm too hot to move
It's too hot
I'd love a swim
It's no fun if you do everything
I want to be a robber
Excuse me, Mr. Traindriver...
Can I help?
You look very busy
What are you doing?
That wasn't scary at all!
Well, you're going to have to try a bit harder than that
Splish splash splosh 4
Well, it wasn't my idea to get another underwater robot to guard it
Our last underwater robot was eaten by a monster
Splish Splash Splosh 3
I'll give it back to you when I'm finished
Hey! 1
I've lost my wand
I've lost my wand, and I wondered if I could borrow yours?
Told you
Oh no 1
I can't do anything
If only I had a tail...
What do I do first?
Splish Splash Splosh 2
Oh, no (x3)
Just warming up
I love playing circus
I'm an acrobat
I'll go on top
Who are you?
Not until you promise to play with us!
We want to play a splishy splashy sploshy game!
It doesn't matter
I'm Sploshybeard!
There's only one way to find out
Splish splash splosh 1
Why are you wearing a pirate hat?

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Boards form Geraint Lewis
This soundboard was initially going to be the Sploshy Soundboard, but due to an error, this is now being used a the arr, arr, arr, Finbar Soundboard as he makes some fintastic prank calls! Finbar was portrayed by the late Sean Hughes, gone, but never forgotten!
Splish, Splash, Splosh! Sploshy has come to make prank calls with this new soundboard! Credit goes to the legendary Maria Darling for her incredible work voicing Sploshy from Rubbadubbers.
Mighty me! Finbar the Mighty Shark has come to arr, arr, arr, make some prank calls with this fintastic soundboard! Finbar was portrayed by the late Sean Hughes, gone, but never forgotten!
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