by Andrew Behen Freud - 90 tracks
Shut The Fuck Up Donny
These will teach those
in your face
Who The Fuck Are You
Listen buddy Im in a hurry
Terrible shame that
Lies and slander
Hello peasants
I Like Your Style
How You Doing There
Taxi Driver 1976 Youre talking to me
Fucking Fascist
Close the File
Stupid is as Stupid does
Goes down smooth
Cool Out
Deep Burn
Watch your mouth
Ill Smack you in the mouth
Alrighty then
Pay attention
Good Night Sweet Prince
Sick Of These Dolphins
When Harry Met Sally 1989 Ill have what shes having
Are you sure this is legal
I have to laugh
What is it about good sex
Proably my son
Casablanca 1942 Heres looking
Youve got the guts
Bodies are for hookers
Lets Get Ready to Rumble
Fuck A Stranger In The Ass
Nothing a lawsuit wont cure
Big Time Asshole
I meant to do that
Welcome to my world
System Failure
Out of my life
Bark like a dog
Dude youre the man
Lean mean
I apologize for that
Im a good guy
I dont know why
Interns Get Glocks
Calm Collected German
Wait up girls
Not falling
Lack of respect
Its called the coconut bangers ball
What a dork
Cinderella Story
I smell varmint poontang
Cruddy Alkie
The Golden Girls
Holy Lord
There is evil
Im pretty excited
Dirty sex
I can take him or leave him
Scum sucking mother effing whore
Dont you say goodbye
Pretty pretty pretty pretty good
Got a terriffic penis
I want you to clean your...
I feel like a hamburger
I dont know what the big deal is
I think you are a kanoodle
Get a goddam job Al
You reek of...
Club soda salt
Saigon whore
I have something stuck in my throat
Hello Newman
Just had to kill a lot of people
I have to return some video tapes.
OJ Simpson
Can you keep it down Im trying to do drugs
Nothing gives me more pleasure
Heres what I want you to do
I dont beleive you because ur a liar
You dont gargle much do you
Are you my caucasian
Dont pee on my leg and tell me its raining
Are you Jewish

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