by Andrew Behen Freud - 319 tracks
Woody Allen- Absolutely incredible
Woody Allen- Best feature
Woody Allen- Club
Woody Allen- Cut my throat
Woody Allen- Freedom is wonderful
Woody Allen- Furious
Woody Allen- Suspicious
Woody Allen- Very much alive
Woody Allen- Written permission
HAL 9k - Cant do that
HAL 9k - Good Bye
HAL 9k - Planning to Disconnect Me
Hulk hogan Theme
Metalocalypse - I hate you
Wonka - I dont like the look of it
Wonka - I wouldnt do that
Wonka - open your mouth
Wonka - roller skates
Wonka - Stop dont come back
Wonka - we have to get on
Wonka - wrong...
Mel Brooks HOTW - Good to be the King
Mel Brooks HOTW - Green
Blazing Saddles - 20 whore
Blazing Saddles - Bullshit
Blazing Saddles - Days pay
Blazing Saddles - Do what he say
Blazing Saddles - Kansas city
Blazing Saddles - Mongo
Blazing Saddles - Move
Blazing Saddles - Rest
Blazing Saddles - Shot me
Blazing Saddles - Wet
Sean Connery - Not a fan of the ladies
Sean Connery - The day is mine
Sean Connery - Youll rue the day
Blazing Saddles - Whip out
Blazing Saddles - Tongue
Blazing Saddles - White woman
Blazing Saddles - Froggy
Blazing Saddles - 10 gal hat
Blazing Saddles - Gifted
Towelie - Bring a towel
Towelie - Funkytown
Towelie - Youre a towel
Sean Connery - Connerys Laugh
Sean Connery - Famous Titles
Sean Connery - We meet again Trebeck
Sealab Captain - Awww crap
Sealab Captain - Blood of my enemies
Sealab Captain - Ticket to pretzeltown
Sealab Captain - Zinged ya
Always Sunny - Objection Heresay
Always Sunny - Sitting On Her Cloud of Judgement
Chris Walker - Gotta have more
Chris Walker - Hungry eyes
Chris Walker - I turn cities into salt
Chris Walker - One leg at a time
Chris Walker - Only prescription
Chris Walker - Up my ass
Bill Maher - Think tanks
Good Morning Vietnam
MLK - We are free at last..
Zoolander - Beef Headed
Zoolander - But why make models
Zoolander - HappyHappy
Chris Hansen - Be your secret lover
Chris Hansen - Best sex youll have
Chris Hansen - Bring ice cream
Chris Hansen - Did you bring condoms
Chris Hansen - I like to make love
Chris Hansen - Im Chris Hansen
Chris Hansen - Let me lick you everywhere
Chris Hansen - Let you win so I can feel you
Chris Hansen - Want to have sex with me
Chris Hansen - Make it feel really good
Chris Hansen - No hug for me
Chris Hansen - Too good to be true hee hee
Chris Hansen - Very large penis
Chris Hansen - Want to give oral
Chris Hansen - Want to wrestle you
Jar Jar - Ahh moi moi
Arrested Devel - Lucille Cornhole
Arrested Devel - Tweety Bird
Jar Jar - Die in here
Jar Jar - Excuse me
Jar Jar - Meesa doin nothin
Jar Jar - You say people gonna die
Dr Evil - CrazyDutchBastard
Dr Evil - FreakyDeakyDutch
Dr Evil - SinceIWasALittleGirl
Austin Powers -Break Wind
Austin Powers -I put the Grrr in Swinger
Austin Powers -Thats Not my Bag
Austin Powers -Yeah Baby
Twin Peaks - Amateur hour
Twin Peaks - Blue prints
Twin Peaks - Damn good coffee
Twin Peaks - Just get lucky
Twin Peaks - Local mashrooms
Twin Peaks - Log will say
Twin Peaks - Mumbo jumbo
Twin Peaks - One woman
Twin Peaks - Saw something
Samuel Jackson - Did I break your
Samuel Jackson - Does he look like a bitch 2
Samuel Jackson - English do you speak it
Samuel Jackson - I have had Enough
Samuel Jackson - I dont remember asking you
Samuel Jackson - Say What Again
What country you from
Samuel Jackson - Yes you did
Your a smart mfucker man
Jon Luvitz - Alice isnt Jays girlfriend
Freaky alien chick
Jon Luvitz - How Awkward
Jon Luvitz - Im a man
Jon Luvitz - Wascally wabbit
Dolemite - Man move over
Dolemite - Oh Dolemite Im So Happy
Dolemite - You rat soup eating honky
Denzel - King Kong aint got shit
Denzel - You lied to me
Withnail Bum
Withnail Demand booze
Withnail Fish
Withnail - Foolish words
Withnail Head numb
Withnail - How dare
DLR I live my life like theres no tomorrow
Sagan Invent the universe
Matrix Red or blue
Matrix Welcome to the real world
Full Metal What is your major malfunction
Leon Barack Obama
Leon Brain
Leon Smart ass
Leon You got long balls Larry
Kung Pow Animal Song
Kung Pow Big butts
Kung Pow Bouncy Booty
Kung Pow In God name
Kung Pow In your dreams
Kung Pow Like the band N Sync
Kung Pow - Neosporin
Kung Pow - Speech
Kung Pow Taco bell
Kung Pow - Wonder where my glove
Kung Pow Your story
Christopher Guest - Hey wha happened
Christopher Guest - Im gonna bite my pillow
Christopher Guest - Pretend to care
Guest To paraphrase an old joke
Guest When dysentery breaks out
Groucho Ancestor Duck Soup
Groucho Bully A Night at the Opera
Groucho Cheese A Day at the Races
Groucho Club Duck Soup
Groucho Crossing Animal Crackers
Groucho Dead A Day at the Races
Groucho Decoy Animal Crackers
Groucho Drinks Monkey Business
Groucho Fly paper Monkey Business
Groucho Nerve Monkey Business
Groucho Nickel The Cocoanuts
Groucho Party Monkey Business
Groucho - Poison A Day at the Races
Groucho - Poverty Monkey Business
Groucho - Rhubarb Animal Crackers
Groucho Smoke Animal Crackers
Groucho Study Monkey Business
Groucho Talk The Cocoanuts
Groucho Tree The Cocoanuts
Foghorn Bowling ball
Foghorn Gettin through
Foghorn Go away
Foghorn Got to go
Foghorn Nation of lumpheads
Foghorn Nice girl
Foghorn Thats a joke son
Foghorn Thats a joke
Whos responsible
DBZ - Balls are inert
DBZ - Dont get carried away
DBZ Doubt I need an intro
DBZ Foolish enough
DBZ Ill show you
DBZ - Never felt so much power
DBZ Teach you some respect
DBZ Think twice
DBZ Watch your mouth
DBZ What business
DBZ - Wont allow it
DBZ You again
Bravo - 4 legged chicks
Ladies Man Bite outta butt
Ladies Man Clearly gay
Ladies Man - Cognac
Ladies Man - Do it
Bravo Do the monkey
Ladies Man Dont care
Ladies Man Favorite hole
Ladies Man Its a lady
Bravo Lethal hands
Ladies Man Like tennis
Ladies Man My opinion
Ladies Man No Dabutt
Ladies Man Oil me
Ladies Man Sex em up
Ladies Man Spanish senorita
Ladies Man Tryin to seduce me
Ladies Man Wang is hugified
Ladies Man Water is fine
Adult Joke
Sling Blade Big uns
Sling Blade Biscuits for sale
Sling Blade Do over again
Bad Santa Do you understand
Sling Blade Kill my mother
Bad Santa Not the DMV
Bad Santa Take a shot
Adam West Filthy Criminals
Adam West I planned it all this way
Adam West It doesnt pay to court disaster
Adam West Just a second
Adam West Most effective weapon
Closing Track The Golden Girls [Closing theme]
Misc Casablanca 1942 Heres looking
Misc Cruddy Alkie
Misc Stupid is as Stupid does
Ferrell Cool Out
Ferrell Deep Burn
Ferrell Goes down smooth
Ferrell - I'll Smack you in the mouth
Ferrell - Its called the coconut bangers ball
Norm Dirty sex
Norm Holy Lord
Norm Lack of respect
Norm Not falling
Norm - OJ Simpson
Norm - Ridiculous
Farley - Saigon whore
Norm - What a dork
Lebowski Aggression
Lebowski Dude youre the man
Lebowski Fuck A Stranger In The Ass
Lebowski - Fucking Fascist
Lebowski - Good Night Sweet Prince
Lebowski - How You Doing There
Lebowski - I Like Your Style
Lebowski Shut The Fuck Up Donny
Lebowski Who The Fuck Are You
Larry David - Are you Jewish
Are you my caucasian
Larry Big Time Asshole
Larry David - Club soda salt
Larry David - Dont you say goodbye
Larry Got a terriffic penis
Hello Newman
Larry Heres what I want you to do
Larry David - I can take him or leave him
Larry I dont know what the big deal is
Larry David - I have something stuck in my throat
Larry David - Im pretty excited
Larry David - Nothing gives me more pleasure
Larry Pretty pretty pretty pretty good
Larry David - scum sucking
Larry You dont gargle much do you
Judge Judy - Dont pee on my leg
Judy I dont beleive you because ur a liar
Judge Judy - I feel like a hamburger
Judy I think you are a kanoodle
Judy Watch your mouth
SFX Drumroll
Lets Get Ready to Rumble
SFX System Failure
Misc Alrighty then
Misc I meant to do that
Misc Pay attention
Misc Taxi Driver 1976 Youre talking to me
Misc Welcome to my world
Misc When Harry Met Sally 1989 Ill have what shes having
BMurray Are you sure this is legal
Murray Bark like a dog
Murray Calm Collected German
BMurray Cinderella Story
Close the File
Murray I have to laugh
Murray I smell varmint poontang
BMurray Interns Get Glocks
Murray Lean mean
BMurray Probably my son
Murray Sick Of These Dolphins
BMurray Wait up girls
Kingpin What is it about good sex
BMurray Youve got the guts
Bender Bodies are for hookers
Bender Cant you see Im using the toilet
Bender Great now you tell me
Bender Hello peasants
Bender I apologize for that
Bender in your face
Bender Lies and slander
Listen buddy Im in a hurry
Bender Nothing a lawsuit wont cure
Bender Terrible shame that
These will teach those
Bender Would you kindly shut your...
Bateman Can you keep it down Im trying to do drugs
Bateman Get a goddam job Al
Bateman I have to return some video tapes.
Bateman I want you to clean your...
Bateman Just had to kill a lot of people
Bateman You reek of...
Alex Jones I dont know why
Alex Jones Im a good guy
Alex Jones Out of my life
Alex Jones There is evil

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