by Sgt. Hartman - 23 tracks
You are pukes
Who said that?
I will unscrew your head
You can come over to my house
Sleep with your rifles
God has a hardon
Give me 25!
What is your major malfunction?
Dead Marines
Don't fall down
Hard on
Suck a golf ball
Can't hear you
Love the Marine Corp
Crazy brave
Thre more you will learn
This is my rifle
Could get up there
Got a pair
you are pukes
Boards form Sgt. Hartman
One of Kubrick's most classic characters is Gny. Sgt. Hartman, the drill instructor in Full Metal Jacket who tears his trainee's emotions to shreds to make them killers.
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Howcho • 6 years ago -
Too bad that 2-4 don't work
ReplyD CIII • 7 years ago -
I'm looking for "Show me your war face"
ReplyDIYcauseIcant • 8 years ago -
Quick question. I downloaded "What is your major malfunction numbnuts". I see in Properties it says .....Copyright - got wavs?. Is it legal to download and use? Wanna be legal ya know. Thanks.