by Taylor Gray - 208 tracks
Educate Yourself (Lilo and Stitch)
Fool! (Amish Paradise, Weird Al)
Find whoever did this (Skyrim)
Humble short (Amish Paradise, Weird Al)
Walk away if you're smart (Skyrim)
Humble (Amish Paradise, Weird Al)
Of course you don't (Nazeem, Skyrim)
When Will You Learn?? (SammyClassicSonicFan)
I don't care to know you (Oblivion)
You Frickin Fricks! (SammyClassicSonicFan)
I Award You No Points (Billy Madison)
Never Be Quenched (SammyClassicSonicFan)
Alrighty then loud (Ace Ventura)
Would You Agree? (The Mandalorian)
Allow me to demonstrate (Bart Simpson)
WHOA (Crash Bandicoot)
War Were Declared (Futurama)
Those are rookie numbers (Wolf of Wallstreet)
Blindly Obey (Futurama)
That's Impossible (Luke Skywalker)
You should feel bad (Zoidberg)
Random Chance (Captain Holt, Brooklyn 99)
Your music's bad (Zoidberg)
Good for you (Christian Bale)
You got it, genius (Bender)
Not Scientifically Possible! (Invader Zim)
Would you kindly shut your noise hole? (Bender)
What prize do I get, cash? (Bender)
Mexican Guy Cracking Up
What am I gonna do? (Bender)
Ironside Siren (Kill Bill)
Wanna kill all humans? (Bender)
Sexy Music
This place has class (Bender)
Sax (Kenny G- Careless Whisper)
This will teach them who's lovable (Bender)
Fool! (Amish Paradise)
Dirty bastard (Bender)
Humble short (Amish Paradise)
Terrible shame, that (Bender)
Humble (Amish Paradise)
So beautiful (Bender)
Howdy Howdy Howdy (Toy Story)
I feel sorry for you (Bender)
Hornpub Theme
Maybe if you can clean up first (Bender)
Harry Potter Theme
Lousy stinky ripoff (Bender)
I'm in a hurry (Bender)
Lies and slander (Bender)
Let's go get drunk (Bender)
I've had it up to here (Bender)
In your face (Bender)
I'm gonna go kill myself (Bender)
Here's an idea (Bender)
Hello, peasants (Bender)
Great, now you tell me (Bender)
Dream on skintube (Bender)
Compare your lives to mine (Bender)
Blackjack and hookers (Bender)
Bodies are for hookers (Bender)
Are you kidding? (Bender)
Mumbo Jumbo (Futurama)
I choose to believe what I was programmed to believe! (Futurama)
You can't even read! (Connor McGregor)
You son of a b!tch, I'm in (Morty)
Wubbalubbadubdub! (Rick Sanchez)
I am in great pain, please help me (Bird Person)
Wut.... WTF (JonTron)
Wiseguy (Bart Simpson)
And that's the waaaayyyyy the news goes (Rick Sanchez)
We're dumb (Futurama)
That PROVES it (Philip J Fry)
I'm surrounded by idiots (Scar)
Stop it, get some help (Michael Jordan)
Scorched Earth (Tropic Thunder)
Oh YOUR God (Bender)
Run Away! (King Arthur, Monty Python)
Tim Laughing (Monty Python)
Rimshot (Badum Tss)
The Queen of Putrescence (Princess Bride)
Neat! (Bender)
Our peaceful ways (Bender)
Oh wait you're serious (Bender)
Oh, this is going to be easy (Obi Wan)
Possibly (Obi Wan)
Oh SHUT UP (King Arthur, Monty Python)
They would never understand, sad music (Katy Perry)
They would never understand, normal (Katy Perry)
Literally F*CK YOUR OWN FACE (Tropic Thunder)
Lick lick lick m'balls! (Rick Sanchez)
Liar! Liar! (Miracle Max's Wife, Princess Bride)
Jesus Christ! (King Arthur, Monty Python)
In Yo Face! (Dave Chappelle)
I warned you! (Tim, Monty Python)
Gotcha Bitch! (Dave Chappelle)
Good Job! (Obi Wan)
You're godd@mn right (Walter White)
Get Your Sh!t Together (Morty)
F*ck Face (Tropic Thunder)
Fry Crying
Eat My Shorts (Bart Simpson)
Dumbass (Mom)
I don't want to live on this planet anymore (Professor Farnsworth)
Dodge Duck Dip Dive and... Dodge
You Gotta Deal With It! (Korra)
Cowabunga Mofo (Bart Simpson but Southpark)
Cowabunga Dude! (Bart Simpson)
Child Abuse (Homer Simpson)
Cartman Laugh
I can't watch anymore (Obi Wan)
Boo! Boo! BOOOOOOO! (Princess Bride)
Bite my shiny metal ass (Bender)
Bender Screaming
Well, we're boned (Bender)
Thank you and goodnight (Bender)
Look at me! (Bender)
Behold! (Martin Prince)
Ay Caramba! (Bart Simpson)
Imma Let You Finish
I do not think that word means what you think it means (Inigo Montoya)
Ironic (Sidious)
Your Mother (Sidious)
Young fool (Sidious)
Sandpeople (Sidious)
Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb
DO IT (Sidious)
Aw das hot (Will Smith)
Oh das hawt (Will Smith)
Are you mad? (Austin Powers)
Aint my bag (Austin Powers)
Groovy baby (Austin Powers)
Horny (Austin Powers)
Very Shagadelic (Austin Powers)
YEAH baby YEAH (Austin Powers)
Just as Count Dooku Predicted (Grievous)
What's the situation? (Grievous)
Pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural (Sidious)
Show no mercy (Sidious)
Do what must be done (Sidious)
Treason (Sidious)
I am the Senate
This is where the fun begins (Anakin)
LIAR! (Anakin)
Bad Feeling (Obi Wan)
This is going to be Easy (Obi Wan)
Hello There (Obi Wan)
Oh, I don't think so (Obi Wan)
I can definitely smell Shite
I think I can smell Shite
Everything He Just Said is Bullshit (Joe Pesci, My Cousin Vinny)
Bullshit detector
The Ability to Speak Does Not Make You Intelligent
A dirty woman
It's amazin'
Alllllllllrighty then
I Award You No Points
Your donuts make me go nuts (Michael Scott)
Who wants to party? (Michael Scott)
On Whom's Authority? (Michael Scott)
Not to be truffled with (Michael Scott)
Let's Get Ethical (The Office)
Kids in Africa (Michael Scott)
Crossed the Line (Michael Scott)
He's Petarded Song
ARE you reTARD-ED?
Aint Nothin You can Do about it
Nobody Fucks with the Jesus
That's just your OPINION, man
BITCH are you fo REAL?
JJJ HAHA You serious?
Lego Yoda Death
Ladies and Gentlemen, We Got Him
How Dare You!
Why da Fuq You Lyin?
Why you Always Lyin?
OMG Stop fkin Lyin!
Stop Lyin' Full
look at dis graph
dont be rude
quiet, quiet
you are fake news
your organization is terrible
youre a failure
that was a lie shorter
lie detector test says
theyre all idiots
galifianakis laughing
how many times old man
You Hippo crit
educate yourself
a wizard did it
if youre happy its a sin
spongebob scream
Curb Your Enthusiasm
thank you VERY much

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