Not a fan of the ladies ?
64 Audience Titter
The day is mine
Dyings for fools
Still alive
Times up
Picturing Whore Island
Can't hear you
The Arse
Who's gonna make the cake when I'm gone?
Think Music
Ugly Cry
I cant process it
stu's song
I'm Dealing with Fools and Trolls
Hip hip hurrah
What is your major malfun
Not Long Enough
I will love you violently
Star Wars Theme - John Williams
Borrow my brain
Ass to mars! (Total recall)
Boy you might be legally retarded
Youve been warned dude
You are pukes
Darth Vader breathing
Enjoy the show
Dont smell like a turtle cage
Connerys Laugh
God has a hardon
You'll rue the day
Deploy my ordinates
Hello America
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