don't fuck with me
Hey My Man, Fuck You!
Oh what the hell!
Mary Tyler Moore
I havent eaten today yet
All about me
boobs and bush
who the fuck is your bitch ass
All you gonna do is bullshit
Tyrone - Is anthrax bad?
Real Ecstacy
Look Out I come!
That's all you can say
Telemarketer Nightmare Prank Phone Call
This is a sensitive time for me
I don't know you
This is great
You want me to loose weight
i'm goin get off the line
Cussin me out
4 thumbs down
That's Tit Durt!!
Don't know you
The Busted Boyfriend
Nice - sarcastic
you wanna talk shit on the phone
Mother Fucker who
Smoke A Lot - Get away from me biatch
Ill meet you there at 6
give me a destination
Hold my drink
I almost numbchucked you
Medium Height Blonde
Are you crazy
who's speaking 2
Half Baked - I love weed
Satisfying Orgasm
Y'all tell anybody....I'll kill you!
Who the hell is this
When do we have sexy intercourse
I actually need to get going
Shut your mouth
I got your bitch
I know its so crazy
what da fuck you talkin about?
Imma show you bitch
Playa Hater
Don't call my house rant
Don't play it
The Cheating Wife
Sure Sure
i'll fuck your punk ass mama
Not going back
Yippy kay yah!
You wanna grab some dinner
i aint no fuckin jew
She's Cumming
Im Rick James Bitch 1
Wow wow wee waa!
Bullshit with you
boobs 2
who's speaking 1
Do you know who you're talkin' to?
Vocals during orgasm
Four years just for weed
Yeah you
You have an erotic physique
Im Alison
ooohaaawww !
Mother fucker
Dirt dog
Were you a fan of comics
you were talking about me.
they won't be able to regognize your bitch ass
What are you talkin' about
Free crack?
Holy Crap
Get the f_ _k out
Failed Drug Test Prank Call
Hey 2
This is Alison
You don't me apparently
Heavy Breathing
Lets not get ahead of ourselves
i'm a black man
getting off hard
Skeet skeet skeet
Do you have a laugh
Oh shit
Don't call my house
Oh my god this is the best news ever
boobs boobs boobs
you don't even know me
Stupid mother fucker
Quit bullshitin'
Women enjoying orgasm
I'm impotent
I made sexytime with my
I sacrificed my Vagina
Ok lets do it
We didnt mean to do this together
who are you
Grandmother answered the phone
The Time-Haters
She's gonna squirt
Dirty Turban Prank Phone Call
Wanna get together tommorow night
Who is this
You should support everything i say
meet me somewhere 2
tanya double pen
La La La La La
Don't call my number
The Italian Boyfriend
Do you need to get to work
you don't know me
Knock my head off
I know this isn't your responsibility
I'm squirting
Real pleasure
Just run this down
Bang Skid Nigga
Impossible u have 2 have sex
Sorry that was inappropriate
Don't give a f_ _k what your name
Ahhh let me check
who the fuck are you
Don't know who the hell you are?
Fat girls
Really juicy
Nigga please
My Son is Heterosexual
Im pregnant
Black or not
Getting off hard
Thank you so much
Go hang out with your bearded freak friends
meet me somewhere 3
Ha ha flavor flav
Right near the beach
Don't f_ _k with me
Take Mobil Home
Dont ask her about nose job
you sound like you about 4'3
Fuck you
My father is a drug dealer
Who's the stupid MF
Purring Orgasm
Chapelle - Rich, Bitch
I'm very important
Mary Tyler Moore
What do you do for work ?
212 number
Ok lets do it
Thats pretty offensive
who the fuck are you
What you just say
I'm rich bitch!
AddLoop C_ogg
Stop callin
Roaches in the Chicken
Hi hey
Dont joke This is really serious
Loud Orgasm
that was just ketchup
You can barely buy Spaghetti
meet me somewhere 1
Banana boat
Ummmm, bitch
Don't give a f k
The Famous 100 Grand Winner Prank Phone Call
her boobs
tell me where you wanna meet
Don't know who this is?
I don't do drugs
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