Fighting words and whatnot.
Go 4 a ride
Your bloody egos
Even in hell
Repent of your sins
Don't like cops
I love the smell of Napalm
Who are you waiting for
I know his name
Wanna shoot me, piece of shit
Cannibalism issue
Jack Robinson
Regular person
Killing is easy as breathing
Barnes been shot
Nobody steals from Creed - The Office
You got leads
Oh spirited...
How did you get in here
I'm not dead
Baby Wants to f*ck
Fire at will!
Drill two holes
Jesus wept
What are we talking about here, pussy right
Grant me Revenge
You rat soup eating honky
I'll face them
Wanna shoot me, piece of shit
F_ _k yo kid
We'll straighten you out.
Call me Snake
Bunch of slack-jawed faggots
Sticky Bomb
Oh yeah, he said that? - To Die For
Kiss my Ass - Della Reese
Pain and pleasure
I am smilin'
Swallow your soul
Lets f*ck
Maniac is imminent
I don't trust you
I am pain
Got a little dick
What is best in life
I use Wagner
Dance Honky Dance
I care about you
Every nigger treats his woman
You slithered out
Intermission lament
He dies
Ghosting MF
Let 'em know - Dolemite
Win the War
When I was a child - Phil Hartman
Idiot - Patricia Heaton
The agony of friends
Pour beer
Hurting people
F**k you A**hole
Give me the box
What is Steel
You're an errand boy - Kurst
I might as well level with you
You don't have bad luck
The Hansons get pumped up
Keeps me warm
I Ain't Got Time To Bleed - Jesse Ventura
BlackBelt in Barstools - Foxy Brown
Instrument of Warfare
Are you going to let that slide - Arrested Development
Fuck Ball - Harvey Keitel
Demons to some
That's some cold shit
Killing people!!!
Midnight Run - Criminal
As you all know
Harvest time
Limp wristed
Low Foreheads
Smells Like Victory
To die
Would sharpen you
If it bleeds We can kill it
Man move over
Don't speak
Heathen music - Billy the Butcher
Too many men- Speaking
Mouth all glued up
Let 'em know you're there!
Chew bubblegum
Anybody not wearing 2 million
Hell with you
Goodfellas - Fuckos
Nice guy
How dare you
Death card
Beer Talk
Death awaits you!
My hi-way
Have her on the floor
5 to one
If it bleeds We can kill it
Dance Motherfucker Dance !
Beer Talk- Blue Velvet
Your eating maggots
Dr. Hook
Pouring perfume
I will not kill anyone
We fought ourselves
Casino - Mistake
The leads are weak
No tears
Don't you see where I'm coming from
The Hansons get pumped up
Abraham Lincoln
Im sorry mother - Norman Bates
Something missing - Trainspotting
Buck - Going gets tough
Pour beer
Let's do this, buddy - Tropic Thunder
Kill your brother
Booger's HUGE belch
That's 'cause us Black folk - Shaft
There is ni I
Denis explains hockey rules.
Got a little dick
A boys best friend - Norman Bates
Limp wristed
I'm just a caveman - Phil Hartman
It's nice and it sells hockey.
Finally matched his meat
Never fornicated anybody - Bad Santa
We've Got bush
One glass of Champag-na
Bionic jump
Denis explains hockey rules.
Lets face it harry, the vette gets em wet
Are you really my mother? - Norman Bates
Idiotic - Josh Mostel
Drink to that !
Ass to mars! (Total recall)
I run a clean game here...
That's 'cause us Black folk
For me to poop on
Break my d_ _k
Province of Champag-na
No time
This is hot scissoring
Im the devil - The Exorcist
I'm in the dark- Yelling
Superfly theme clip
100% committed
Putting on the foil
Let me get a sip
Made love
Holy Cow
S_ _k my puppet d_ _k
Only prescription
I like it
The Ride Of The Valkyries
What writing an essay really meant
Did you breast feed her
Sweet Brown Sugar - Foxy Brown
Please forgive me
What Mo wants by the pool
One rib
China nerd
Heroine has personality - Trainspotting
Killing white bitches
Baby Wants to f*ck
Ain't you
Nicotine in my urine - The Paper
Do the hell out of him - Foxy Brown
Bond that can't be broken
The Hansons get warmed up for the game.
Family full of midgets
Toughened - Hannibal Lector
Something missing - Trainspotting
Blackman Handshake
Lets f*ck
Big Kiss
The Classic Wilhelm Scream 1
Makes me sick
Never go full retard - Tropic Thunder
Life is tough baby - Sweet Sweetbacks
I will never die
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