Sound effects designed for a radio play, with a Steampunk and or science fiction bend to it.
Robot sound 1
Evil laugh
Japanese cicadas and swamp insects
Cars In A Pileup
Boat starting
Ticking sound 2
City sidewalk
NYC harbor ambience
Alien Machine
Snore Sound
Broken glass
Submarine dive alarm
Frogs calling
Explosions Background
Waves against boat
Darth Vader - Breathing
Open Sea
Grand Central Station
A Surgery
NYC Heliport
Classic Knocking Sequence on Wood Door
Train sound 3
Multiple Shot
Bells in Japanese Temple
Grandfather Clock
Water pump shooting water
Seismic Charges
Gun Shot
Airplane ambiance
Spaceship Moon Landing Sequence
NYC hotel ambience
Window knock sound
Large Glass Crash
Train Horn
Waves on rocks at Hope Beach
Robot Motor - Various Bursts
Water pump shooting water
Tractor Beam Power Down
Electric Explosions In Space
THX Lightning
Knocking sound
Impatient Door Knock
Howling Australian Dingoes
Old Auto
Civil War Cannon
Train at Niiza station and Astro Boy theme
Anti-Aircraft Fire
Intruder Alert !
Dog Aggressive Barking
Tasmanian Devils fighting over food
Assault rifle
Kendo Training
Bullet By
Boat fog horn
Jaws theme
Train sound 1
Ferry to Statue of Liberty
Medium Thunder Storm
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