Introduction -Saliva - Ladies and Gentlemen
You're A Drummer - Wipeout
Bad Boys Cop Theme
Beverly Hillbillies
Here Comes The Bride
Hockey Night In Canada
Jeopardy Think Music
Lottery Music1
Miss America Song
Pointer Sisters - I'm So Excited
Pointer Sisters - Neutron Dance
Police sirens 2
Voodoo Monkey
Skit 02 - Trishs Ocean Liner Whistle Blast
Skit 03 -Trishs Music Box
Skit 04 - Trishs Knock On Door
Skit 05 - Trishs Electronic Flourish Magic
Skit 06 - Trishs Chinese Gong
Skit 07 - Heartbeat
Skit 08 - Grandfather Clock a
Skit 09 - Drum Slow
Skit 10 - Drum Fast
Skit 11 - Chicken's
You're Sooo cold
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Yb Better + Ratio + Loud = funny bozos (Suggest sum stuff you would want me to upload in the comments)
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