you is the fuck who
Liam makes history.
Take my ass cucumbers -Stag
Stag does an impression
Vara makes raptor noises
Nick Fights a Resto Druid -Everyone
Stag rants about fucking a chicken sandwich
"So if I weren't around, you would fuck a chicken sandwich?" -Alanna
"I mean, I realize that physically I have the capacity to fuck a chicken sandwich, but I would rather not have that experience. Ever." -Stag
"I don't know whether to be flattered or horrified that you thought about fucking a chicken sandwich." -Alanna
"Alanna, I thought you should know I'd rather fuck you than a chicken sandwich." -Stag
"Ok, I can ATTEMPT to fuck a chicken sandwich." -Stag
"You are dumb, the dumb is you" -Nick
"Oh, fun." -Emily
"Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill!" -Will
Zach tells a joke
"I cried. Tears of blood." -Nick
"Oh- noooo..." -Stag
"I'm crying, help!" -Eggs
"Yup! Yup!" -Stag
"Good job." -Nick
"I'm gonna die." -Emily
"Wow, wow, we did it!" -Eggs
"They give you tetanus? I'm confused." -
"Your nipples turn diamond studded, it's a pretty good deal." -Stag
"Awrlrlwrllwrllwrlrlwl I'm a murloc." -Eggs
Stag makes murloc noises
"Die already, oh my god!" -Emily
"Risen sharks - they're undead sharks!" -Emily
"Will, you're a faggot!" -Zach
"Ooooooooooooo!" -Will
"I have given birth!" -Zach
"I can make booties!" -Zach
"It hungers." -Zach
"Have the rotten flesh of doom." -Zach
"No, not the little one!" -Nick
"What the fuck?" -Eryk
"And this hole just keeps getting bigger." -Emily
"Where's the hole?" -Emily
"No more popsicle." -Ryan
"No." -Zach
"Do squid even make noise?" -Nick
"Hey Dinkler, no means no!" -Nick
"No, her- no!" -Nick
"Where'd that stuff come from?" -Will
"I did it." -Will
"Because bigotry is next to company." -Ryan
"No...NO!" -Nick
"Ryan's almost done with his goatee." -Will
"Massive bag of Peanut M&Ms." -Ryan
"Uh... Uh.... Uh... Uh." -Emily
"Well..." -Ryan
"What the fuck." -Zach
"Pagoda." -Ryan
"It's like a droopy four." -Zach
"No means yes." -Eryk
"Why happen?" -Nick
Zach laughing
Nick laughing (again)
Weird noises by Will
"I'm gonna squat in your house for a little bit." -Zach
Nick continues to laugh like a mentally unstable person
"Nooooooo!" -Will
"What the fuck is that?" -Zach
"Don't tell him, just let him revel in his own stupidity." -Ryan
Will is drunk
Nick laughs like a serial killer
"I'm burnin'." -Zach
Zach singing... something
"Goddamnit, what is it with you people and swastikas?" -Ryan
"No, my gold!." -Zach
"I am going to starve to death in a hole." -Zach
"See, I've graduated - I went from poop jokes to penis jokes." -Nick
"YES." -Ryan
"Eryk doesn't have a family." -Ryan
"Dammit, Ryan!" -Nick
Will singing... something
"What are you doing, Will?" -Eryk
"Asshole." -Nick
WIll singing the Reading Rainbow theme
"I'm Boba Fett still?" -Will
"Jackass." -Nick
"I don't know where I am, but I'm scared." -Zach
"Touch penis me." -Will
"This is not ok." -Nick
"Oh god, I'm gonna die here in this hole." -Eryk
"I'm gonna kill you, Will." -Ryan
"Because you're a hooker." -Nick
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