My personal soundboard.
Highlander - There Can Be Only One
Samuel L. Jackson - This Ain't Any Of Your Business
Scarface - Say Hello To My Little Friend
Samuel L. Jackson - Shut Up
Scarface - Call Me Tomorrow
Samuel L. Jackson - English, Do You Speak It
Scarface - I Call My Lawyer
Talladega Nights - Let The Cougar Loose
Talladega Nights - This Is Not Good
Talladega Nights - Shake And Bake
Samuel L. Jackson - Say What Again
The Price Is Right - Loser Horn
The Price Is Right - Come On Down
South Park - Jimmy - Give Me A Damn Second
South Park - Jimmy - How About This Classic
South Park - Jimmy - What A Great Audience
South Park - Kyle - What The Hell Just Happened
South Park - Kyle - You Unbelievable SOB
South Park - Towelie - Funkytown
South Park - Mr. Mackey - Alcohol Is Bad
South Park - Mr. Mackey - Marijuana Is Bad
South Park - Mr. Mackey - Drugs Are Bad
South Park - Mr. Slave - I Think This Has Gone Far Enough
South Park - Mr. Slave - Annoyed Jesus Christ
South Park - Butters - It's All Sticky
South Park - Mr. Slave - Flirty Jesus Christ
South Park - Mr. Slave - Naughty Jesus Christ
South Park - Cartman - In The Ghetto - Version 1
South Park - Cartman - In The Ghetto - Version 2
South Park - Cartman - I'm Sailing Away
South Park - Mr. Garrison - There Are No Stupid Questions, Just Stupid People
South Park - Mr. Garrison - You Go To Hell
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