Soundboard for Three The Hard Way Podcast
Mocked and scoffed
Lesson 5
Godless sodomites
Dont give a f k
Afraid to believe
Sometimes you feel like a nut
You Shut Up!
Hate Mail
You're So Stupid!
Prepare to be astonished!
Thinking impaired
La Di Fricken Da
Do you think Im a pervert
Sucked More
Never been afraid
Welcome Back Kotter
Goooood for you
Bender - Let's go get drunk
Bender - Shiny metal ass
Farley - What is the hold up
Farley - Awesome
Shut Up - Boss Hogg
Hail king
Your mother was a hamster
Darth Vader breathing
Chewbacca roar
losers always whine
Shut the F up
Say What Again
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