Mike Fiol

I work many, many hours at my computer with a TV on the side to keep me company. These are clips and bites as I encounter them in my viewing. You'll find many of my favs from Bad Santa, Southpark, Phil Hartman, Pacino and the best line from The Paper a la Robert Duvall. New includes Dewey Cox and Tropic Thunder.  

Boards: 4   Tracks: 104  

104 Tracks 344827 Views

I work many, many hours at my computer with a TV on the side to keep me company. These are clips and bites as I encounter them in my viewing. You'll find many of my favs from Bad Santa, Southpark, Phil Hartman, Pacino and the best line from The Paper a la Robert Duvall. New includes Dewey Cox and the sad violin.

0 Tracks 1736 Views

Original, fresh versions of the song written by the Hill sisters in 1893 and known the world over. Send any one of these versions to someone via email, phone, iTunes, Facebook. Visit happybirthdaysong.com

0 Tracks 837 Views

This is a testing board

0 Tracks 362 Views

Various musings from the toddler that is Cameron.

Yall tell anybody....Ill kill you
I've got balls of steel
Nicotine in my urine - The Paper
Story of Coming to America - Ferrell
Have you found Jesus - Forrest Gump
Suntory Time - Lost in Translation
Never go full retard - Tropic Thunder
Sad Violin
Theyre Here - Poltergiest
Board - $4.99
I got a crap on deck - Fat Bastard
Anything human eye has ever captured
Board - $4.99
Oh yeah, he said that? - To Die For
Stuttering attorney - My Cousin Vinny
Take it easy, Louise - The Birdcage
Baby Jesus - Ricky Bobby
Board - $4.99
911 Call - Ben Stiller, The Cable Guy
Kookoo Brain - Kalifornia
Let's do this, buddy - Tropic Thunder
My name Borat
Board - $4.99
Any Given Sunday - Pacino Speech
He's faking - South Park
End of Trainspotting
Troy McClure
Board - $4.99
Five dollar ass - New Jack City
Adam's Apple - Shining Through
Uncanny Tolerance
Board - $4.99
When I was a child - Phil Hartman
4 hour erection
3:10 to Yuma - Chase Scene
Design for Gods - Edna
Are you going to let that slide - Arrested Development
Taste my squirrely wrath
Shrute Farms is wireless
Psychopathic Killer - No Country for Old Men
We can do this easy...or - Reign of Fire
Midget Man - Dewey Cox
Hunter Song - The Office
Nobody steals from Creed - The Office
Never fornicated anybody - Bad Santa
Chuck Prophet
Can't hear each other talk - The Dark Knight
You were in the lobby... Jerry McGuire
Sound like a broken mp3 - Futurama
Imperial Song from Star Wars
ABC, Golf
3:10 to Yuma
Bad times man! - Cliffhanger
Teachers Pet - School of Rock
You arrogant punk - BK Commercial
Sound like a gay - Anchorman
Air Supply Burger - Making Love
Straight cash homey! - Randy Moss
Do Something
Help you I can - Yoda
How I know you're gay 40 Year Old Virgin
Applause Sound 8
Goodyear? - Naked Gun
Awake - Drones
Bobby Knight - Anger Management
Freda's Boss - Fletch
Step off Grandpa - New Jack City
For me to poop on
From Goodfellas: To-day!
Matt Damon - Team America
Jackie Moon - Old Spice
Holy Cow
When I'm bad - Mae West
Don't fail me again - Darth Vader
Car horn from rolls royce
Crowd Missed Put
Truth shall set you free! - Liar, Liar
Ass pussy - Southpark
End of the Truman Show
Da Vinci Code - Ian McClellan
No Child - Charlie-in-the-box
An Album Cover - SNL
Why did it have to be snakes? - Raiders
Sweat glands - Jackie Moon
Pacino - Great Ass!!
Billie Jean - MJ
One thing worse than dragons - Reign of Fire
Put the bunny in the box - Con Air
Heroine has personality - Trainspotting
Something missing - Trainspotting
Recording sold on Ebay for 10,000 yesterday
Keep Telling Yourself - Pirates of the Caribbean
Selma Hayek dances in Dusk til Dawn
Dirty, Ole Troll - Hellboy
I'm just a caveman - Phil Hartman
Bush Explanation
Heathen music - Billy the Butcher
Cheerleaders - Bring It On
do NOT go in there..
Shut the hell up!
Somebody Stop Me!!!!
Dadda Dee Dabba Loo - Will Ferrell
Don't waste my time - Heat
Beer Talk- Blue Velvet
Toodaloo MotherF ker - Hangover
I'm a mushroom cloud - Samuel L.
Back to you bleepers - Bruce Almighty
Vermin Ridden
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