Penny Modesto

It's election time in the US - this maybe the last time to have Barack Obama himself call your friend and ask for a vote ! Short clips great for fun! Don't forget to vote yourself.  

Boards: 1   Tracks: 50  

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It's election time in the US - this maybe the last time to have Barack Obama himself call your friend and ask for a vote ! Short clips great for fun! Don't forget to vote yourself.

This is Barack Obama
I'm Barack Obama
I could not help but love this country
America wants change
I have confidence in the American people
Here's we need to do
I understand your frustrations
If there are issues you wanna cover
I get called names
If you don't abide by our rules
America's back
Confident about the American economy
Here's what I would do
How are you
I am not always great about hanging up my clothes
I do
I don't wanna be invited
I just fundamentally disagree
If it's not this then it would be something else
Involved in two wars
It's a wonderful question
It's always a shock to the system
I've got a pretty even temperament
Kobe Bryant is the best player
Let me finish my point here
Let's unify the country
Michelle and I went out to dinner
My wife is just terrific
My wife is no slouch
Nobody'a throwing a brick through my window
Over aged basketball player
Republicans are gonna come after me
Should I be at home baking cookies
Thank you so much
That's not fair
The answer would be no
This is our moment
Understand this
We're glad you're back home
Yes we can
You are wrong
You just beat it to death
You know I love you back
You're right
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