Respect my authority
I'm not fat
And that's the way it is
Come on Down
Loser Horn
Hawaii 5-0
I am serious
Flintstone theme music
Fred Wilma
Hey Barney Let's go, pal
The A-Team intro
Shut up fool
Family Feud
The Price is Right
What the Hell was that !?
Walker Texas Ranger Lever
That's what he needs
Fall Guy
Family Feud 1976
Run out of burgers
Go around 1 time
This is a carwash
JD Hogg speakin'
I told you to shut up
Don't get me sassed
If you don't reposess
Chew my cabbage
Bass is the name!
Andy Griffith Show Theme
Nip it- Barney
Inquistive Rararhraw
What is your major malfunction?
You are pukes
You owe me for one jelly donut
Emergency alert
China Beach
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Beam your phone up with these great ringtones from the Star Trek tv series. Sound effects from the star ships, computers and actors are here.
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