you think im calling you?
I dont call you, you call me!
I dont know if you think im calling you or what!
get my hands on you
Caboose - LiedToMe
Caboose - ParentSex
Marcus - Fuck You
Duke Nukem - Your Face...Your Ass
Office Space - My Stapler
Talladega - Mountain Dew!
Tommy Boy - Getting Fatter
Road Trip - Boner Time
Be a gangster
I Don't Remember Asking You
Forrest Gump
What is your major malfunction?
Kill the Batman
You p*ssy
I told you
No respect
Thank you for playing
Full Metal Jacket - Sgt. Hartman
That is one big pile
Alright. Who's the jerk
Butthead answers phone
love being queer
super penis
Donald Duck Taking a Crap
Good day
How ya doin
Understand me
Who is it
You think you are
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