12 Guage
Old Explosion
You Can Do It!
Child Booo Booo
Big Boom
Good Car Crash
Long Car Crash
Dishes Crash
I don't like food anymore!
Let's take it from the top
Nice Try
Is this Legal?
Data- I have Access
Seems alittle risky
V I T A L W a r n i n g
Kirk- What's this all about
Toilet Flush
I feel much better now
wait until they getta load a me
Let's broaden our minds...
Get in ma belly!
* Bleep * Bleep
Hi-Quality explosive
you've got troubles, mac
what r u lookin at, butthead?
Can't take it no more!
GREAT car crash
Gay come here and give me a hug
he found captain winkey!
Intense Crash
I am a doctor!
wrong week to drink
I am the dude, man!
Excuse me, Flo?
Full metal jacket Parents quote
don't stare, bug eyes!
He slimed me
hahahah shutup
Crazy laugh
Audience laughing
make like a tree and leaf
that aint no woman, it's a man, man
Margeret thatcher naked on a cold day!
and now for something different
Mental Midget
Plane Crash
Bad week to quit sniffing glue
wrong week to quit smokin
Great toilet flush
You Get Nothing!
Ugly Stick woman
dont bother me when i work!
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