The future holds
Spitt in image
Your sisters ass
Motherf*ckin pain in
Shut up
Stop talking to my wife
What do you wanna do
Kick me in the fkn head
Whens it gonna end
You Understand?
What's going on
Whats the matter wit you
What do you think?
Dunno why I tell you anything
Shut up let me talk
Something you wanna say to me?
Oh Yeah
You are what you are
I'm serious
I'm a man
I've been calling you
Thats not gonna fly here
End of Story
Did you Fkn do it?
Let me ask you a question
I agree
You read the papers?
So what are you saying?
Sweetie Pie
Lemme tell you something
I'm sad
Here we go
Feel exhausted just talkin
I dont wanna talk to you
You outta your tree?
Uncle Junior
Jimmy the rat
The Family
Bigger Hand
Dissed the Bing
F-ckin Internet
Leave town
What you gonna do - Tony
Smart Alecky - Tony
Pussy on the brain - Tony
Alright f*ckit
F*ckin serious
Gonna be a jerk off
Shut the f*ck up
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