Hary Caray - Holy Cow
Homerun Calls
Harry Caray - Pop Fly
Play Ball !
Charge !
Float like a butterfly...
Thrilla in Manila
Rumble in the Jungle
Dynamite drop-in
That looked like the Terminator
Die-Hard Night
Hosed on that call
I was way off!
Just a bit outside
I wasn't paying attention
Truth shall set you free!
Need to lie
Below the belt
Ball was on the line
Lil' Jon - What!?
Great goooly mooogy
You can't handle...
Awh man
Good Grief
failure to communicate
Sounds - razzz
Keeps his mind on baseball
What a pansy
Baseball is Fun
There's no crying in baseball
Organ Chant w/clap
Batta suuuwing batta
Yeah Baby !
Like a glove
Do not pass Go
You can't stop me
I like it a...lot
Don't go dying on me
That's the game!
Movie Quotes - Ace Ventura - Dolphin Trainer
Mr. Overzealous Foul-Ball Catcher
that's all folks
Imperial song - John Williams
Oh Yeah (music track)
Another One Bites The Dust
Arnold Swartznaeger - Hasta La Vista
Sudden Impact (1983) - Make my day
Mission Impossible
Game Song-- YMCA
Good Bye
Junior Rawlings Gold Glove
Stepped on a duck
This is my house
Reached the top
Thirsty for more
Sounds - Woody Woodpecker
Sounds - scramble
Rapid sequence
Bang, bell & fall
Plop bong
Really funny
Out Here
Meep meep
Can't take it anymore
I said quiet
Smokey my friend...
He will come
Go the distance
From the 60's
Movie Quotes - Bull Durham - H
Movie Quotes - Bull Durham - Meeting on the pitcher's mound
Zip It
Allen Iverson - Practice! Practice!
Army of Darkness - Boomstick
Billy Madison - Mercy on Your Soul
Christopher Walken - More cowbell!!!
EHarmony - Two soulmates
James Brown - That is Unbelievable Man!
Jack Black (Nacho LIbre) - I Wanna Win
Jim Mora - Playoffs?
Mike Gundy - Im a man !
Paul Rudd - 60% of the time...
Simon Cowell - Horse
Sylvester Stallone - Fight the fight
Team America - Matt Damon
300 - Prepare for glory
Will Ferrell - Blue you're my boy!
SOUND - Crying
SOUND - Mario Loses Life
SOUND - Snore
Finish him
I look like hell
Battle Rules
Brick Killed A Guy
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