It's a trap
Cruisers can't repel
Big deal
Emotional scenes
Teasing the gorilla
The Bounty Hunter
Ohh its all sticky
hello who is this
Mr know it all
Cheesy Poofs
Pretty cool
So lame
Helpin' me bulk up
Laugh all you want
Close the File
Dios Mo Man
I Am The Walrus
Got A Man Down Dude
There's a beverage here...
Royally danged
Doesn't have to wear pants
Weight class
Average man can't compete me
Totally serial
Wont listen to me
Like beer
Intolerant mouth
Island Monster
Flash back birds
Flash back ocean
System failure double
What do you want daddy
What a play
Allen Iverson - Practice! Practice!
Go Pack go
Jared Allen Sack
Viking Horn
Skol Vikings short
Purple and Gold - Prince
I go to church
Game on
Stupid cause
Darth Vader breathing
Money money
Oh just awful
Thats Uber Cool
Get your facts straight
Herm Edwards - Then Retire
I Want to Eat His Children
Straight Cash Homey
Moon over Green Bay
Superbowl Homeboy
Superbowl - Caliendo on Letterman
Tear drops the size of pineapple chuncks
It is in these hills
Anything fom KFC
If I'm not back....
I Mean Really Good
Magic man and El Diablo
That's how I roll
I was way off!
We landed on the moon!
Might as well be a bullseye
Suck 2 blow
Im McLovin ! - Fogell
You've Been Served
Good Night Sweet Prince
I Like Your Style
What makes a man?
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