That's how I roll
Milk was a bad choice
Goes down smooth
I'm very important
60% of the time...p
Glass case of emotion
I love Scotch
Hand Grenade
Pants Party
Im McLovin !
Were gonna get our drinks on
I got a boner
Using inhaler
I dont have a first name
I'll be back
Chazz is not a kook!
Make me a bicycle!
Lock it up
Too traumatized for a scone
I almost numbchucked you
What is she doing?
I can't pull over
Yeah Sure!
drug school?
Lost buck
I Don't Like Vaginas
Timmy Gay
Make Believe
Lost your Kitty
What is your problem?
Never sleep with your boss
Thank you very much Sir'
Wolves and Meteors PSA
Spelling Bee
Bear Attack PSA
Wanna get high ?
You're a towel
Loser Horn
Giggidi Giggidi Giggidi 2
Knock knock
Good Day
Big deal
Chinese or Japanese
Heck of a nerve
What do you think
Came on my mom
Chill Bro
Sure this is ok
Not you fat Jesus
Don't text me, it's gay
He was a re-tard
It's so good
Blue you're my boy!
Keep our composure
Not helping us get laid
Cat Stevens
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