All stupid up in here
Boobs and hot wings
Cage match
Flavor coffee updog
Gotta represent
I just invited Jim to suck it
It's Brittany bitch
Let's Get Ethical
Our balls are in your court
People Return My Calls
Your donuts make me go nuts
Who wants to party
Ummmm, bitch
4 thumbs down
I'm Rick James
Matching Junk
Dont smell like a turtle cage
Not Hot
Blades of Glory - Two words
I Piss Excellence
Ma, the meatloaf!
What is she doing?
Let's have some meatloaf
Hello America
Shut your big Yapper!
Im Movin In
Spanish Kids - Muy Comico
I want my money bitch !
I need to get my drink on
Whats Up Police
5 dollars
album drop
Fruit In Cup
Doll Is A Whore
Be My Friend
Dick On Fire
I Love My Turtle!
On My Mom
Chop Chop
Just so you know
What the fuck does that mean
you feeeling the love
Your fired
Your fucking fired
Couple of late nights
Can't get any girl
Crossed the line
I win
Why you laugh?
I hate you!
I respect women
I always say
Never sleep with your boss
She wants it
Get our drinks on - Fogell
Wedding Crashers - Motorboat
Nice Mullet
Might as well be a bullseye
Drawing wood
Did you ruffie her up
The Bat line
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