Shut up fool
My bd'ness
Crazy fool
I Pity the fool
pity my self
Your trademark is
Pink ensemble
His Hairstyle
Im famous
I like gas
I don't do anything to my face
From every continent
Children are my inspiration
Come in your swimsuit
I am Peter Pan
Beautiful thing
Kids want to stay with me
Gavin talks about bedroom
People worry about kids
Jackson cookies
Not true
Jackson smell good
Jackson bed
Jackson culkin
Jackson hand cuffs
Jacksons shoulder
Jackson jury
locked him in the rest room
Jackson BS
Im Paris
So what you gonna do
I made a friend
I promise you I did
I'm a psyhco
It's a Bowel movement
Fighting scream
Heavenly Glory
Never take your eyes
Away to the moon
Forgive me
How did it feel..
Kill my teacher
You know, baby!
You'll come
This is Chuck Noris
Focus your eyes
No black or white
Sign for a package
Are you coming
You're in
Where were you?
Do NOT go in there!
Somebody Stop Me!
Ass you a few questions
Dont have the power
Guy with rubber glove
I likea do the cha cha
Back to you bleepers
In other news
Alrighty then!
Number still 911?
Come to me jungle friends
Ding, ding
Take it up the tailpipe
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