Coyote 1
Run its Godzilla!
Whippoorwill nice notes
T-Rex screams
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
Chewbacca roar
Imperial song - John Williams
You are pukes
900 years
Kazaksthan have a problem
Knights Riding Music
I will never die
Godzilla Roar - 1970s
The holy hand grenade
Broken Up
Bobcat Snarling Growl 1
I Fart in your general direction
Racoon Looking for her Siblings
clearance Clarence
The pirates don't eat the tourists
Theme Song
Six Million Dollar Man theme
Bunch of slack-jawed faggots
Ghosting MF
Mike Ditka - Gutless Wonder
Few seconds
Clone Brett Favre - Caliendo on Letterman.
Nice girl
I've been horn swaggled
Got more nerve than a bum tooth
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